Sunday, July 7, 2013

Which template for powerlifting??

I was following a thread on one of the boards over the weekend where lifters where sharing the templates they were running. I always find these discussions interesting particularly given we have just come off fairly intense prep for back to back States and Nats and many of the team are kicking off new cycles.

Currently I am following a template which is a 16 week progression starting with 10's and working to 3's with plenty of rep records at the back end of each wave. Now it happens to be Chad Wesley Smiths Juggernaut which for all intents and purposes shares most of its DNA with Wendler's 5/3/1.

Now my view is this most forums talk a lot of shit about which routine is the best and fuckers (including me) are always experimenting with different nuances. However here is my newbie wisdom for the week.....


From everything I have ever read there is no one perfect routine that guarantees progress for all lifters at all times. The human condition is far too complex to allow a distillation of training that works for every body type, age, recovery etc.

As I have said it all boils down to principles, how to manage intensity, frequency etc. Therefore it doesn't matter that I have chosen Juggernaught as my template. What's important is that the template I am running is based on sound 'principles' i.e. progression over time, varying of rep ranges as intensity and frequency is managed.

The ONLY proof about the efficacy of your template is whether you made progress. What's that you aren't measuring your progress accurately?? Then fuck off and don't even begin to tell me what works, as the old adage says if you aren't measuring then you cant monitor.  Oh and by the way even then you can't claim that it was exclusively the template, perhaps running a different template would have been better?

At the end of the day its basic principles and a  fuck load of commitment and discipline to diet and training not the name of your program.

Keep is simple...

Stay Strong

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