Friday, May 31, 2013

Deadlift Night Tonight!

The PTC Perth Nationals team is in the 2nd last week of training, tonight being 2 sets of three at 95%. I only managed 7.5kg more than this for a single at States.

After a great squat session this week I was pretty focused to smash this session. Dan, Paul and Darween were in at 5 tonight so we kicked off our warm-ups together. I have really enjoyed the team support during our Nats preparation.

The warm ups are reasonably fast and the banter is there but everyone knows what's in front of us tonight. I am being more careful about not overdoing warm-up reps. In the past  do too much and left myself overdone for the work sets. Not tonight, singles for the last sets before warm-ups.

The boys are pulling well tonight, Darween particularly is a freak and will go well over 3x bodyweight at Nats!

Now it's time for my first set of three. I work through my pre-lift routine, the boys are yelling support, in the hole, big breath and pull. First one is hard to get moving but up it comes and straight away I know the next two are in the bag. Bang bang first set of three done and a rep PB!

The lads continue their warm up sets and then I am up again on the platform. I'm feeling good and though the the first rep is slow I know this set is mine, I get my three reps but fuck it I pull a fourth and make this weight my bitch. Bring on next week 100% for two reps.

After relaxing and watching my team-mates pull some huge numbers I move on to the bench.  I have run a mini Smolov each week as I need much more frequency in the bench if I am to get stronger.

I push up 3 sets of two reps at 95% and then still pumped from deadlifts I go for a 3kg PB. Bam it goes up fast and feels good so to hell with it I load 7.5kg PB. I get Shanks to give me a lift off and make sure I get a good pause at the bottom, before I drive it up and lock that sucker out. I specifically changed my style tonight, following Dan Green's recommendations for bench, driving much more horizontally back over my shoulders. It seemed to really push the bar into a sweet spot so I will pursue this for Nats.

I had a crack at 17kg PB and yes far to optimistic but hey tonight was my night so I will take the deadlift and bench PB's tonight.

Great night personally and some big lifts from the team, 2 weeks out and counting!

Stay Strong

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Dan Green Challenging Westside

In the run up to GPC Nationals I have been reading all things Dan Green given this monster of the platform (2030 at 220) is coming to Melbourne to lift on the same platform as Thomo. How fucking funny, his bench is more than my total!

Dan wrote an article recently where he challenged the 'conventional' Westside barbell training philosophies effectiveness for raw lifters. Check out the article.

What I loved about the piece was that it  challenges the status quo. I am an analyst by background and too often in business individuals espouse theories that have no associated evidence. Even in my short history in the sport I have noticed individuals slavishly follow accepted wisdom even if it is clear that the evidence doesn't support the theory.

Now there is  fine line given too many newbies challenge everything rather that just getting under the bar for 2 years and lifting. However bottom line is there is some basic principles that seem to work  and work well.

The sections that I found most interesting were around box squatting and bench press. Now everyone knows that the box squat is best, helps you learn to sit back drive from hips etc blah blah blah. But for a newbie that tends to take you away from a natural sit through your hips that non geared lifters need.

Now I am sure there are lots of fine coaches out there that will provide lots of feedback that it works for them and their trainers. Perfect if it does work and you have the evidence then great but as Dan Green points out the benefit doesn't seem to carryover to regular squats. In fact last year after lots of box squatting my re acquaintance with non box squatting was laughable as all of the box squat cues seemed to give me a comical sit back that just didn't work. Now maybe if Markos or Louie or some great coach was guiding me it might have been different.

Dan's view on the bench is more more about a traditional focus on big chest and less elbow tuck as can be plainly seen on his benching videos. Again this is something I need to focus on. Earlier this year as many of the guys I see do a traditional exagerated tuck and arch and push the short range of motion.

However I noticed the sweet spot in my pushing is when the bar is over the chest which echoes Dan's view. His points are that you should focus on driving horizontally with the legs and pushing back over your shoulders and getting the elbows flared earlier as the bar moves into the sweet spot.

Now whether this article proves to be on the money is not the point I want to make rather it is about an individual (allbeit the best in the world) taking responsibility to challenge accepted wisdom and based on evidence establishing what works for him.

Pretty good lesson for all of us especially a newbie lifter like me!

Stay Strong

First Powerlifting Comp - Deadlift

After a 10kg PB in squat followed by 3 average benches I was looking forward to seeing how I would go in the deadlift. What was apparent by this time was how different it is backing up for 9 lifts in a day right at your limit. In fact I was surprised how much nervous energy I had, I spent half the bloody meet in the toilet!

Going into the deadlift it was clear that for the entire meet my attempts were off, I just didn't understand how much the fatigue would accumulate between attempts. I tended to open too high and ended up gassing up on the final attempt.

My deadlift opener was slow and in fact was my old PB for the year. My second attempt was 7kg's heavier and a grinder. After the requisite wait I lined up for my third. The great Adam Coe was on the microphone and pumping me and the crowd up (what an honour by the way having Australia's greatest powerlifter looking at my lift as MC!) and I settled down for a 2.5kg PB attempt.

I take in the energy of the crowd, get set and then pull....and ...not a damn thing. The fucking bar moves about 4 inches off the ground but I couldn't budge it further. I didn't have a single ounce of effort left in me, it was actually quite bewildering. The 2nd attempt was too hard, I would have been better served hitting my PB on that second attempt.

So that was it my meet was done. Overall I managed a 10kg squat PB, missed my Bench PB and fell short by 3 kilo's of a deadlift PB. Given the adductor injury I had in the months preceding I was actually stoked with this result. I would say the competition helped me re-groove my squat.

On reflection it was an amazing experience being on a platform with your teammates, competitors and crowd supporting you. I learnt a hell of a lot about what not to do and more importantly limit weights on the platform really highlight your weaknesses.

Stay Strong

Monday, May 27, 2013

Squatting for Nationals 2nd last session

The last 7 training days have been up and down. Thursday was average and I struggled for reps at 90% of 1RM. Conversely I smashed 90% of 1RM for 2 sets of 4 reps on Saturday for the deadlift. So it has been a case of 1 step forward two steps back.

Given that Thursday's squat session was less than stellar I was keen to make amends last night. I knew things were looking good when I rolled in at 5:30 and it was a full house. Even better Darween and Dazza were warming up on the mono-lift so I knew I had great support with these guys pushing me.

Again I can't overemphasize the strength of PTC Perths culture and while I believe in being self reliant with training, for the big lifts there is a tangible gain from having your teammates pushing you. At PTC Perth you get that support every fucking rep.

I begin the warm-ups 55kg, 75kg, 95,kg and each set I am conscious, in fact very very focused on my errors from Thursday. Making sure I get feet planted just right, drop into the squat through my hips, knees out and aim for chest up. I also bring my hands in a little on the bar just searching for that tightness. That is the challenge as a beginner, every rep is different as you are still bedding down form. Not to worry after Nationals I have 10 months to base build and solidify my technique.

The warm-ups progress and at 20kgs from my working set I hit a single, add 10kg for another. This weight is in fact the same as my 2nd attempt from States and it goes up well. Certainly too narrow a stance seemed to be the issue from last week and despite some problems getting the bar in the right spot on my traps it is feeling much  more solid.

Darwin and Dazza are still incrementing the weight as they get closer to their working sets but now I have the bar loaded for two sets of 3 within 10kg of my PB and final attempt at States.

Dazza is there as always ready to wrap and provide coaching. Darween is on the Mono, I have big Dan on a side spot (fuck he could probably curl this weight!) and Yianni is on the other side.

Yianni asks how many and I say '3 but see how I go for a single', he says fuck that you will get 3 and fair enough I know now on this day with this team I will get three for two sets!

Wrapped and in the mono, all calm gym stops to watch, I'm 43, tired and sore and I love this shit! 

Down I go for rep 1 its fast feels tight and good. The second rep slows a third of the way up but I push through solidly. At the time my bar positioning felt a little off and in the video after the 2nd rep it looks this way as well, the bar is moving far to much and a little lopsided. Final rep is similar to the second but looks and feels more solid, particularly at the end I think I keep my chest up far better.I can't explain just how good this set felt and I back up 10 mins later with another 3 reps. 

That weight was mine for two sets of 3 and it was a weight that 5 weeks ago was a 1RM PB! Now I am looking forward to hitting a PB in my last heavy session before openers and de-load.

Again thanks to the PTC crew on the night for getting me over the line in a big way!

Bring it on


Sunday, May 26, 2013

Ed Coan Living Legend

I think every lifter has something they use as inspiration for lifting. I tend to be quite introverted about my lifting and having taken up powerlifting in my 40's the race against ageing is enough to keep me going.

However I do have those videos that from time to time help fire me up.  Ronnie Coleman's 2003 video where he doubles 800 pounds is a favourite of mine. Also some of the EliteFts training compilations are fantastic to get the juices flowing.

I have been recently watching old school videos of Ed Coan particularly his 1998 2463 total.  I wouldn't characterise the Ed Coan videos as my inspiration, primarily because the insane weight is so alien, so far removed from anything I will come close to achieving. However it is amazing to see this man and his singular genetic freakishness, his insane work ethic and pure mental toughness hoist unbelievable weights.

Tomorrow is squat day with the PTC Perth Nationals team and given how damn sore I am I may need a little  inspiration to back up for a good session. Hopefully all the lads will be in and the vibe will be pumping..bring it on!

Stay Strong

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Deadlifting 3 Weeks out from Nationals

Given I was more than a little disappointed in Thursday's squat session I was looking forward to taking some frustration out on the Texas bar. 

I was scheduled to pull 2 sets of 5 at 90% however I resolved to channel Wendler and leave a rep in the tank.  Warm-ups felt ok though it was late on Saturday afternoon so no much vibe in the gym. I am trying to focus on my pre lift routine and ensure it is the same for each lift. As I set for my first work set I put tension on the bar get my hips set, tight and pull. First rep feels slow but top end speed is good. The next 3 reps are good with minimal pause between reps. While I stop at 4 I comfortable have another 1 medium intensity and probably 2 grinders left in me so I am feeling good.

I kick back and rest for my next set and watch Dan Rucci who Dee alerted me is super-setting barbell rows with vacuming the gym??? Fuck I guarantee if we called that a WOD it would be in the cross-fit gyms in seconds...relax I am kidding!

I asked Ando to video the first set and it looks surprisingly good. My back is looking good though two development points are apparent. First my hips still lift first, there is some structural weakness there in the hamstrings as they aren't keeping me as tightly locked in on the first pull. Not too worry I will hammer that in the off season. Second, I am not driving my hips under the bar 3/4 of the way up. I need to be much more forceful on this.

After viewing the footage I am confident in my second set and duly knock 4 reps out under Dan's watchful gaze. He chides me for leaving some in the tank but after the week I have had 2 sets of 4 at 90% feels very good. The Wendler calculator approximates that to equal my exact goal PB for Nationals!

I am on a roll now and squeeze in my bench sets, aiming for more volume in the run up to Melbourne. Finally I decide to throw 70% on the mono-lift and duly bang out some sets of 3-4 reps working on the form errors that derailed me on Thursday. It felt like I worked through the kinks but Monday's session will tell.

Now its Chinese food, lots of water and chill out!

Stay Strong

Emads tough break

A week ago or so one of PTC's monster lifters Emad from Melbourne suffered a freak acident in th gym. Now Emad is obviously a tough fucker and at 75kg's totals above 600kg!!! In fact he was on target to smash records at Nationals shortly.

However unbeknownst to him he was carrying a stress fracture in his right humerus as a result of a car accident several months ago. Training in the gym he was benching when the humerus snapped clean in half, absolutely fucking sick.

All of PTC lifters wish Emad the best and hope for a speedy recovery but true to form he asked for the video of the accident to be posted and I have reproduced it here.

Now I don't have a weak stomach but fuck me that snap is sickening not to mention Emad's shock! I have only seen this twice and cant bring myself to watch again.

No doubt Emad will be back on the platform in no time.

Stay Strong

Friday, May 24, 2013

Old sore and tired

Tomorrow is deadlift day and this would normally elicit some excitement as Saturday is my favourite day to train. Yes the same old mantra I say every deadlift day....plenty of time to lift, I am not rushing to training after a full day of work and a 5:30 am kick off and most importantly I have time post training for some kick ass meals (particularly the MSG Chinese feast!)

However today I am sore and tired. I plane hopped across the country this week and meals and sleep were a little disrupted. Even worse yesterday's squat session did nothing for my confidence in the squat.

Regardless live learn and move the fuck along is my mantra as Nationals edges closer. I have resolved that  I am nowhere near strong enough and I need to squat more not less in the run up to the comp. So tomorrow I deadlift for 2 sets of 5 and follow this up with bench. Given I will be warmed up I will likely bang out some sets on the monolift to get my form back on track even though I need to back up Monday for my next squat session.

Importantly I am learning so much each week about my recovery, what is working and what isn't. For example the peak cycle I am running is too hard, I should have stayed with Paul Carter's 5 week peak but live and learn.

From here on in pain is my friend.

Stay Strong

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Shit Training Session

I am in my usual post training position, feet up on the couch, belly full of food,relaxing. Tonight's session required some introspection to understand what went wrong in a fairly average session.

Today was squats at 92% of 1RM for two sets of 5 reps.  Again my refamiliarisation with wraps was less than stellar. Now I am a consistency guy when it comes to training, I don't like when shit gets changed and this week while I was scheduled to squat with the rest of the team I was instead on a plane to Brisbane for 3 days of work. Consequently I didn't squat until 4 days later and I felt under done.

Warm-up sets went up with little drama however the single just before work sets felt fucking heavy. Regardless in the chair and wrapped for the first work set. Straight away the wraps felt a little tight though I put it down to not having them on since States. 

I get positioned under the bar get set and down I go and straight away every single thing feels off. It annoys me endlessly that something my 2 year old daughter can do instantly, squat with good form, can cause me endless fucking issues! So first rep I sit down and I am out of the groove back up down again and this time inexplicably I lose it as my upper back collapses badly which just doesn't happen for me. I get another rep then call the set quits. The second set is only marginally better so I do a third set of 2 reps to find some value out of the session and they are less than perfect but much better than the others.

It's pretty easy to get discouraged after a session like that but as in anything the challenge is to analyse well learn from the mistakes and toughen the fuck up and move on.

I spent some time reviewing my footage from States and compared it to tonight's session and it is apparent a few bad habits crept back in and royally fucked my session.  These include:

  • Feet in the wrong position again, too narrow and when I squat down I have no room to sit through
  • Not pushing knees out and focusing on sitting through my legs
  • Wraps were too tight, I did well at States with a looser wrap and I need to be more proactive when the wrap feels tight to adjust it
  • Fucking around with hand spacing and bar position
  • After the session I loaded a light weight, got the positioning set and while it was much lighter the chest stayed up and instantly felt the glutes working hard from the bottom
So what do I take away from this, well regardless how bad it felt I still managed 9 reps across 3 sets at a weight that was a PB single 8 weeks ago. Importantly I know what is going wrong so I know what to work on. I really need my pre lift routine to focus on the cues for the lift.

I'm really pissed now and I am going to take it out on the Texas bar for deadlifts on Saturday!

Stay Strong

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Looking forward to Nats..can't wait until its over!

This newbie is well and truly in the midst of preparation for Nationals. I am pumped to experience competition on the Nationals stage and based on current information Markos and the GPC crew have arranged a simply  amazing contest: perfect venue, huge amount of warm up equipment and I think at last count 170+ lifters.

It appears I have picked an amazing time to start my powerlifting journey. GPC is an extremely well run unit and all of the GPC crew are bending over backwards to make a Fed for all lifters.

Now while I am excited to be lifting I can't wait for the off-season so that I can spend 10 months working on putting on some size and strength. I was reading one of Markos's newsletters and to paraphrase it suggests concentrating on hypertrophy and putting on some solid size and the strength will follow. This also resonates with Paul Carter who constantly suggests working on 75% sets for lots of reps.

It's funny despite 'old man' back that manifests post squat day I actually feel like a 20 year old in this sport. I have a five, two and 12 month plan for what I want to achieve. Though it would have been a hell of lot easier if I had started 20 years ago when I was at Curtin Uni fitness centre and far too focused on cycling.

The PTC coaches rib me for being a little conservative in my goal setting but I am aiming to get to 500kg total in a year and a half at 75kg. Training at PTC I have the best environment to keep improving and looking forward its going to be a great year!

Pick up heavy shit

Monday, May 13, 2013

GPC Nationals - Peaking week 2

Tonight was the first session for week two of our peaking cycle for Nationals. I am sitting on the couch 1.5 hours post session and I am more than happy to see the end of training tonight. Squats were on the menu and our sadistic bastard coaches have mandated 3x6 reps at 75%.

To say those 3 simple sets were hard is a significant understatement. First set was ugly, still felt tight and stiff, second set I had to draw deep. Funny thing is I am walking around in a daze after my second set with a dumb ass grin feeling all happy with my efforts until I realised I still have another set to go....nice one dipshit. It was quiet tonight with a few of the team members starting late. Luckily Darwin was in early so we worked out sets together.

It's quite funny really, both relatively new only we are at opposite ends of the time continuum. Darwin is a strong lean fucker, great guy, only 17 and is already looking to take the open men's deadlift record at 260kg in the 75kg class. At Nationals his squat and deadlift is likely to exceed my three lift total!

Again the PTC crew were gathered around as we pumped through our last sets. As I mentioned before particularly for a newbie having 4-5 experienced guys watching your top sets and then following up with immediate coaching is invaluable.

I was short of time tonight so following top sets I headed home to get a meal into me and start the recovery process and get ready for benching!

Stay Strong

Saturday, May 11, 2013

First Powerlifting Comp - Bench

Squats are done and dusted and I am in the middle of warms ups for bench...well me and the other 20 or so in my flight! Despite only a single bench in the warm-up area  its surprisingly  orderly.

I am pretty pumped from the squats but have had time to calm the nerves while the heavy weight boys get their squats in.

As before I am second on the platform but my opener is ridiculously light. I am more nervous re the press command and want to avoid the stupidity of missing my opener as I did on the squat. Out on stage I feel quite relaxed get set and then down to the command and up it goes.

Everyone appears to get their opener comfortably, at least from our team. Second attempt I have incremented the weight 5kg and again it goes up comfortably. I am still 13kg shy of my best attempt in the gym.

It's clear before my last attempt that I need more work on my bench. I am still not in the groove: each lift feels different bar path set up etc and my strength has certainly suffered from only benching 1 day a week.

Final lift comes up and I am shy 5kg of my previous PB, however worth noting my gym lifts were touch and go so it's pretty evident I am not practicing the pause in training like I should be.

I get the lift of from Paul pause and goes up to the sticking point bout 6-7 inches off my chest and the damn thing is stuck there like stone...I press like a fucker but despite my effort even I can hear the MC in the background calling it over.

Two out of three lifts in the bench but far below what I hit post my last Smolov routine. The one thing about competition you just can't hide and all your little training flaws are magnified on the day.

Couple of things I noted down to improve on are, lots more pause reps on my working sets and my assistance work should be deadstop sets from the sticking point. I also need to get some technique analysis then stick to a pre lift routine and try and stay in the groove.

Time to take a Gatorade, eat a little and rest up before I commence my deadlift warm ups.

Stay Strong

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Week 1 of Peaking Cycle

Deadlift night tonight, week 1 of the Nationals peaking template. Therefore it was knuckle down for 3x8 at 75% and no I didn't enjoy it at all!

Given we are 5-6 weeks out I am in soft suit and using the Texas and Eleiko plates to replicate as much as possible the meet conditions. I ground out the reps and sets and while I started of slow it felt just about the right level of intensity. I am keen not to overreach too early in the last 5 weeks, so limited the assistance work tonight.

A few of the other lads were in tonight but a much more sedate session than squats on Monday. Everyone is feeling quietly confident for Nats and it looks like our team will be 8 deep. Unfortunately a few of the guys have uni and or travel commitments which will preclude their attendance but we are still fielding a decent tea,

I was on the Pro raw forums last night catching  up on the plans for Nationals. It looks like a massive event (180 lifters) with fantastic facilities. Looking at some of the 75kg guys it appears they will probably be squatting my total, regardless I can't wait to get over there!

The key for me is to stay healthy, States really beat me up. A week and a half later glutes and legs have finally settled down but damn my PB squat really worked over the core. I have a real tender spot on the ribs so I am going to have to get tight and do some core work to shore things up over the next month.

Ok time to get a post workout feast into me till next time...

Stay Strong

Saturday, May 4, 2013

First powerlifting meet - First up Squats

Here we were the day of the competition, and the day started early as my natural predilection for being on time meant I arrived a full 2 hours earlier than the scheduled start time.Nevertheless it gave me time to check out the venue and I was excited to see the monolift centre stage ominously waiting for the flights to commence.

The athlete area was quite cramped and while there was an extra Monolift and a mini platform for deadift warm ups it was going to be tight given the number of lifters and I was already thinking about how to get my warm-ups in.

First up I had time to steady the nerves by watching the womens section. PTC had 2 entrants competing, Dani in the Masters1 and Amy in the Juniors. Amy was a good chance to set some records and duly delivered a couple of the junior records, below is her final attempt on the squat.

As the women's flight was running through deadlifts I began my squat warm up jumping in with a number of the guys. The 75kg was being run with the 82.5 and 90's all as a single flight so it was a busy warm up area to say the least. Adding to the anticipation, I was second on the platform!

I'm called into the hole and make my way to the waiting area on stage. The nerves are kicking in as I have read a million articles that reinforce the importance of making your squat opener. Big Dazzer begins wrapping my knees and there is that specific powerlifting feeling as my lower legs numb up a little. Called up to the platform I chalk up for the lift, ref looks across and announces bar is loaded.

I make my way on wrapped legs to the squat rack, look out into the crowd and feel the energy of the place. Given how many issues I have had with injury and getting used to the wraps and monolift I am feeling the nerves on this attempt. Based on my last week of training this opener is a full 13kg's lower than my recent PB so I should have this. I get under the bar plant the feet and feel the weight on my traps, stand up and get the 'squat' command.

Down I go into the hole and its quick and ridiculously light, too light. I hit bottom and inexplicably I pause in the hole  for a faction and bounce a little as if its a training warm up. Fuck, that bounce meant I went back down for a second and it's an automatic 3 red lights across the board. Nice one Thomo you newbie dick!

Flip my belt lever and waddle off stage as I undo my wraps. I'm pissed at myself but as I stop by the judges table I ask for the next lift to be increased by 5kgs. Back into the warm-up area I get plenty of support and advice. One of the things that became apparent was how supportive the power-lifting community is, every guy and girl knows what its like to be under that bar. Regardless of which club the guys were from I was feeling plenty of support.

The minutes tick by and in no time I find myself back on stage being chalked for attempt two. I really need to get this. I take another look into the crowd as I settle under the bar, I grip tight and stand up. Feet set, big breath and then squat.  Boom, straight out of the bottom, deep and again surprisingly fast. The rack command comes and I spin around nervously but it's all good 3 white lights and I am now on the scorecard!

I let the judges know I want another 20kg's which will be a new PB and my first genuine + double bodyweight squat. I then hang back to watch Spencer, one of my team mates lift. He is 10 years younger and lifting in the heavier weight class but our lifts are almost identical in weight and its great having a team mate so closely matched. He grinds out a nice 140kg through the sticking point and we compare notes on the way back to the warm up area.

About now the nerves settle and I start to enjoy the competition experience. Even at this stage it becomes apparent that the selection of the weight for the 3 attempts is critical. On reflection it's clear I got this wrong for the entire meet. I tended to grind out a second attempt but gassed out for my final attempt. I will work on this for nationals.

So here I am hands on the bar for my last squat attempt. I can hear the other lifters yelling support, I grip the bar tight and wedge it into my trap, waiting for the command...'squat'. Down into the hole and then DRIVE..hips are coming up chest is high, I hit the sticking point..slow fractionally, stay tight... and then stand up with that fucker. The 'rack' command is the sweetest sound only exceeded by the glow of three white lights! A 10kg PB Boom!

On wobbly legs I unwrap and wait for Spencer's attempt at the same weight. Unfortunately he gets buried at the bottom after going far too deep otherwise he would have had it well covered.

Despite missing my opener I was stoked with the squat. Prior to the meet my adductor niggles had severely limited my preparation over the last 6 months. In fact until this meet and my final week of preparation I had been squatting maintenance weights a full 65 kg lower! However on the day my 2nd and 3rd attempt felt really solid and I will take a lot of confidence into Nationals from this 10kg personal best.

So time to rest and get my bench warm-ups done.

Just squat

Friday, May 3, 2013

First powerlifting meet reflections

It's now a 5 days since I stepped out for the first time as a competitor on a powerlifting stage. I had hoped to tap out my thoughts sooner but bills have to be paid and two days after the event I was on a plane criss crossing the country for work.

It's hard to convey just how much fun I had on the day. Surprisingly I ended up having a few nerves primarily because of the unfamiliar environment and the less than ideal warm up arrangements. However once into the swing of things I had an absolute ball. In fact as much as I enjoyed the team environment cheering on the rest of the PTC team and living through their lifts as well was just as much fun.

Overall it was a great success for the PTC team. We had a number of records set, Yianni the dynamo came third overall at a bodyweight of 66kgs after some monster lifts and we filled 6 of the top 10 places. Most of the crew hit PB's in some form and we delivered well against our rival team muscle pit. Most gratifying was the overall team spirit, everyone was helping wrap, load bars or just screaming like a mutha! Even better we had a bunch of PTC members stop by to watch the lifts and in some cases (thanks Dee) stayed the whole day.

Personally I was more than happy with my meet. While I will detail each section of lifting in subsequent posts I managed to PB squat by 10kgs and got a real appreciation for the rigor of doing 9 limit lifts in a short period of time. I will save my overall learnings for the last post in this series but suffice to say I learned a hell of a lot and am much better placed for nationals in 6 weeks.

Below is super Greek Yianni squatting deep with 200kg and then blasting it straight up out of the hole all at a body weight of 66kg and in his early 20's..yup the guy is a freak.

Shut up and lift
