Sunday, July 10, 2016

Masters 2016

It has started which is to say the 'it' is my preparation and the 'what' is the 2016 GPC Masters Nationals.

Previously GPC in Australia ran an 5 day extravaganza with pretty much everyone and their dog flying in for what I think is the best National Championships in this Country. However given the resurgensce of powerlifting in this country the chanpionships became a logistical nightmare hundreds of competitors.

In response it was decided to ensure the Open event was on a qualification basis and the Juniors, Masters and Equipped have been spun out into a standalone event.  While personally I wasnt a fan of the change it does mean I will be heading to the Gold Coast in October to represent my gym in the Masters Nationals.

Currently I am on 4 weeks leave and this afforded me a level of breathing space; a disruption to my mormal frenetic corporate existence. Practically this translates to not having to rush into the gym after a 16 hour work day to jam my workout in so I can get home and see the family.

Being less rushed is a nice switch-up from my normal routine and I have enjoyed training in a less frenetic environment.

At the moment I am 14 weeks out and have 3 weeks of a mass/volume phase to finish before kicking off my 11 week prep to the platform. Given how busy Ive been professionally I have been running this month Mass program as a break-in to hard training.

Peaking will be a pretty basic linear progression but I am pretty keen to pull well so may switch in the Coan phillip deadlift progression into my peak. Ill see how my numbers look coming out of this phase.

Consistency is what I need, just the basics but lots of it. Game on!


Cross Fit Bumpers

Why is it whenever I view an image on social media featuring crossfit they appear to be using ridiculously thick plates that are not proportionate to the actual weight. It's just the oddest look and anecdotally woman appear to to be the worst offenders.

I can only assume a supplier started producing this style of plate to appeal to woman in the sport and particularly social media posts. You know, these hot athletic looking woman can post images of snatches and jerks with what at first blush appears to be a tonne of weight over head.

Were it not for social media I think there would be very little of any demand for these plates.

Just a really minor nuance that annoys the shit out of me.
