Monday, December 31, 2012

Last Hurrah for 2012

Well here we are on the last day of 2012. I can't get my head around it being a fresh new year tomorrow, hell I am still getting used to being in the 2000's ( give me a break its only been 12 years!) So it is now the time to reflect on training and all things gym for 2012.

Clearly the most impactful event this year was finding the boys at PTC Perth. Having been well into developing my own business plan early in 2012 for a garage style gym I was surprised to find that an old school venue was opening less than 15 mins drive from my house. To be fair I was a little cynical but when I arrived I was more than relieved.

First day I met Paul, Dan and Aaron and clearly it was everything I needed, great equipment and coaching. However the best asset of PTC Perth is it's culture. No roid heads, no morons curling in the rack and most importantly as Dan often mentions 'if people aren't lifting they are helping'. Everyone is always available for coaching, feedback or just a quality lift out and spot. What struck me most over the last few months is that there are some smart young guys at the gym who understand their bodies and program their lifting well.

Personally it was a good year for training, despite being busy with work and a new bub I hit PB's I am proud of and built a nice foundation of the basics. Though having spent the last 2 months rehabbing a persistent adductor injury I am still confident for states and nationals in 2013.

Overall I am much further ahead in my training having found PTC Perth. Therefore here is another shameless plug for PTC Perth. For the Perth lifters that follow this blog. If you train anywhere else STOP IT NOW! Stop putting up with shitty bars, uneven weights, lack of power cages, trainers in Polo shirts and people who think hard core is leg extension followed by preacher curls. Just simply stop it, find a way to get to PTC Perth  and ramp up your training!

Honour Roll for 2012 (drum roll please)

  1. Dave Traeger for coming back from his car accident and lifting big
  2. Big Mike wins the platform rental award for spending most time each session on the one platform (5.5 hours) you are a machine Mike!
  3. Twins award goes to big Mike and Yianni who were wingmen at the PTC Xmas party (only their mother can tell them apart!)
  4. Ricky and Johnny get the Beckham award for most consecutive training days without shirt (Coach Doyle honourable mention)
  5. Amy gets the bridgestone award for forgetting 100kgs of rubber sitting in 8 hours of 40 degree sun might be a little hot if you choose to flip the tyre (hope the arms are better Amy x!!)
  6. Darren for the resilience award for bouncing back after a tough December, 2013 will be better brother!
  7. Kodak award goes to PTC own world record holder Danimal (Dan Rucci) who managed in 6 months to walk into frame of every single video I took at PTC Perth and it hasn't escaped me Dan a high proportion were shirtless!
  8. Rehab award goes to Coach  Doyle, trained his ass off for a long while and now patiently rehabbing and no doubt back to heavy times again in 2013!
  9. King of the mountain award goes to Shanks who is atop the leader board and chasing a big total in 2013
  10. Club men award goes to all three owners Paul, Dan and Aaron for always being there and supporting the lifters in 2012. More power to you lads and can't wait till we are pressing at the seams and looking for an even bigger venue for you!
Stay Strong 

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Tool of the week - another weak numpty on gear

Well given the curtain is drawing on 2012 I thought I wouldn't have a chance to spot another tool of the week prior to the new year. But you should never under estimate the propensity for stupidity in some lifters.

So I shall set the scene, there I am minding my own business roaming the aisles of Girrawheen shopping centre with my daughter buying ingredients for lunch. Now for those of you not in the know Girrawheen isn't my local suburb but it is not the most upmarket of areas. In fact based on casual observation I suspect there were more teenage mums under 19 and mullets on guys per square foot that almost anywhere in Western Australia.

So as I watch the menagerie of locals wander past my eyes are drawn to a familiar form. I recognised this guy from my previous gym. Now from memory when he joined he was a pasty skinned guy mid to late twenties hailing from either Scotland of England (didnt ever speak to him but picked up some accent). At the time he was simply an average build and certainly not someone you would suspect of training when you spot him in a wife beater.

Fast forward a year and our old friend has juiced himself to the gills, so much so I could barely recognise him. Now he is sporting a sprayed on tank top, fake tan, a bloat that resembles an allergic reaction and judging by the redness in his face the start of some nice blood pressure issues, oh and such poor proportions I wonder what the silly bastard can possibly see when he looks in the mirror. By the way he still has 12 inch calves so god knows if he really thinks he has a shot at competing!

Now here is the thing, I watched this guy begin his transformation at my old gym and rarely was there any focus on the big lifts. Lots of dumbell this, and go for the burn that but no old school effort. So here he is with his drug built shitty physique and no real experience of what his body is really capable of. Given I know this gym and pretty sure who deals the shit,then its clear the numpty is taking fuck knows what with unknown purity. Oh and I would bet my ass he has no idea how to run a cycle or even consider coming off and running PCT.

In fact at some point his dickwad trainer/dealer will either run out of supply or something will change and he will have to come off. Having never trained naturally he will struggle to train well again and the drop in size and recovery ability post cycle will right royally fuck with his brain. 

So before you all say my body my choice I shall start by injecting...FUCK YOU! Until you train long and hard for a number of years minimum 5-10 and are clearly nearing your genetic potential then I think you have no right to fuck with the gear. Even worse if you are a half wit just recently off the boat who decides that you will run gear on your first serious training program then you deserve what stupid shit comes your way.

The annoying thing for me is I hate when tools like this give all of us a bad rep by association.

Bottom line, I know the dumb ass dealing to all of the members at that gym and he should wake the fuck up, second my red faced bloated friend you are the final TOOL OF THE WEEK for 2012.

Stay Strong

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

You Are Not Overtrained...YET!!!

Shanks at PTC Perth shared a great article by Mike Tuchscherer the premise being that building up volume over time is the key to progress in lifting. Similarly it also suggested that de-loads etc over after 3 weeks or so can be counter productive as it is then that you are just starting to build volume.

In some ways this article is similar to an interview with Glen Pendlay published in T-Nation (yes I do keep an eye on the great supplement floggers at T-Nation from time to time!) in which Glen suggested that increasing the number of sessions weekly and therefore the overall volume caused significant hypertrophy and strength gains in his athletes.

Now no doubt Mike Tuchscherer  has forgotten more than I will know in powerlifting but I agree to a point with him re training. Here's my issue: his hypothesis holds true for an elite level powerlifter who as all other modalities dialed in his/her program. It's all very well saying increase your volume over time but the first thing your average trainer does is significantly add volume over six weeks while still cheating on his diet and being haphazard about recovery (and I mean more than just foam rolling).

Now you can support the volume hypothesis by quoting Bulgarian and Russian studies (as Mike does). However you need to put a large fucking disclaimer in there because what works for the best genes in a huge eastern bloc gene pool of fulltime athletes in the 80's who are geared to all fuck needs some modification for a fulltime 42 year old professional pulling way more than 40 hours a week of fulltime work.

I am being pedantic but there is an awful lot of well meaning articles by really clever coaches that need a fair degree of dissection to understand how to apply the principles for the chronically average and overworked.

I agree with Mike re volume, my PB during Smolov jr benching was an recent an obvious example however it is clear that the volume equation has to be managed well as it ramps up the stress on all other aspects of your program i.e diet, recovery and not to mention time in the gym.

Therefore the first equation has to be what program provides the greatest utility in the time constraints you have. However if you are fortunate like big Mike or Shanks at PTC and are still in your twenties at Uni and able to manage 10 hours a night sleep ( yes Mike I am very envious) than by all means follow Mike Tuchscherer's routines.

That's one of the great things about the younger crew at PTC Perth. Guys like Shanks and big Mike are well read, already following great routines and lifting huge compared to so many guys their age.

Stay Strong

How to know a powerlifter is with you at Christmas

Self explanatory but just in case here is a guide for your friends to spot a powerlifter during Xmas:

  1. They bring a foam roller to carolls in the park so they can work out a few kinks in their back 
  2. They mix Xmas lunch in a blender and drink it in a shaker
  3. They add creatine to their egg nog
  4. They pass presents from under the tree in the overhead squat position
  5. They scream 'light weight baby' and 'one more rep' each time they hand out a present from under the tree!
Anymore more obvious signs??

Stay Strong

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Powerlifting Xmas

So its that time of the year when the big fat guy checks in and hands out the goodies. A shout to Dan and Paul at PTC Perth for opening the gym from 9-12  on Xmas Eve so us poor suckers wouldn't go into lifting withdrawal. 

It was actually kind of funny as most of the crew looked a little shell shocked training so early and some actually looked surprised to find that 9:00 o'clock also happens in the morning!

All in all it was a great session with the holiday cheer in evidence and a good vibe going throughout the whole session.

On a personal note I had a another physio session to loosen my left adductor. Prognosis is that I have had the adductor tighten up primarily through the natural training load over time. Based on the feedback I should be good to go with a normal Wendler in a couple of weeks. In the mean time I have decided to run Smolov Jr Bench again and  get another 5 kg PB. During this cycle I will be doing plenty of adductor stretch and foam rolling across the glute to ensure no tightness returns.  Obviously I will continue with upper body assistance, plenty of chins ( up to 70 reps a session now), and inverted rows and upper back band rows. 

I have found this upper back work has really added stability to my bench and contributed to my recent 10kg PB.

Make sure all of you stay safe over the break and for the PTC crew I look forward to big sessions on Thursday with two days of Xmas meals carbo loaded!

Stay Strong 

Saturday, December 22, 2012

It's good to be the King - Things I would change in strength training

Apologies to Mel Brooks for today's title but I wanted to play a little 'what if today'. These are some things I would change if I could:
  1. Use some common sense: I recently witnessed two guys squatting in a free standing rack off the edge of the lifting platform. When squatting they would step out of the rack and with a loaded bar tentatively step backwards up onto the platform? There are enough risks going ass up with a loaded bar when doing everything right. Why complicate it with dumb shit???
  2. Stop fucking with your program on week 2...give it time to work!!
  3. Remember the pre and post workout powders you are paying $160 plus for? It can cost you $35 if you buy basic creatine and combine it with some cheap ass store bought dextrose. For pre-workout just a take a black coffee! Simple without all the bullshit.
  4. Stop building squats based on really really shit movement patterns. I have witnessed some trainers back slapping some reps PB's but you can quickly see they will stall in the next couple of months as the bad form catches up with them. Get some advice, turn down the ego, lower the weight and build it back up
  5. Stop playing really really shit music in the gym! I don't mind the odd rap song but there is some serious  nasty shit music out there (props to Paul for some old school 90's tunes at PTC recently and Dan for always loading ACDC or prodigy for 1RM attempts.

I will add to this list in future posts but post through some of your own.

A quick shout to Dave 'Wingman' who smashed his PB's this week. Dave has been building back to his former self since a bad car accident seriously derailed him. However he has diligently worked back and now is at his previous1RM's. Well done Dave I'm looking out for that 200kg deadlift real soon!

Stay Strong 

Thursday, December 20, 2012

What is Powerlifting??

I never cease to be surprised by how many people don't understand powerlifting . I am not the sort of guy to wander around with a lifting shirt on outside of the gym, nor do I generally volunteer that I train. However if specifically asked I will mention powerlifting but with the understanding that I will then waste the next 5 minutes answering inane clarifications as we eliminate anything vaguely to do with weights. Generally it goes something like this....

Them: "So what training do you do"..
Me: "Ahh powerlifting"

Them: "Oh like with the posing oil and the tan"
Me: "(Sigh) that's bodybuilding, no its about how much you lift in powerlifting"

Them: "Ahh ok you are like those guys in the Olympics!"
Me: "no no that's Weight Lifting "

Them: "Um I don't understand..what kind of lifts do you do"
Me: " Bench press, squat, deadlift"

Them: "Deadlift...whats a deadlift??"
Me: backing away slowly... "Um... I think I can hear the phone...yes the phone that's it..I probably need to get going..."

I make my escape fairly quickly. Given how hard it was to try and explain powerlifting why will I even bother with deadlifting.

This brings me to my second gripe. Why oh why is both weightlifting and powerlifting always associated with the biggest fat fucks in the sport. Review any article on either and they show the super-heavyweights in both sports which invariably is a guy in lifting trunks that looks like Jabba the huts twin brother!! I secretly think this is the reason we get whacky offshoots like Cross fit. The average joe says eww don't lift weights I'll end up like that fat bloke on the Olympics.

Hey presto we end up with Cross fit where we can all have really really cool t-shirts and really really cool names for our workouts and recruit good looking athletic woman to fill our ranks. Oh and if you live in Perth you can join a cross fit gym for like $260 per month (saw this recently!!).

Enough said

Stay Strong

Tough lifting tonight!

Its first week back in training after 10 days off with Giarda and I have to say it isn't fun. After dropping 5kg of body weight my starting weights feel ridiculously heavy. Given I am still injured and cant squat its going to be an annoying start to my next cycle.

It is frustrating when you can't train optimally but if you invert the logic and seek positives you can often continue to make gains. A case in point: my squat injury drove me to a 3 week Smolov bench specialisation and ultimately resulted in a 10kg PB. Similarly I will kick off my next Wendler at 80% rather than 90 to compensate for de-training and the loss of body-weight so that I start within myself. No doubt by the second cycle I will be tracking back to normal.

Quiet start to the night at PTC Perth. Darren was in looking to build some big sessions over the Xmas break. As always big Mike was in chasing weightlifting PB's. Whats John North say Mike....'got no time for percentages PB's every damn day!'  In fact big Mike almost made me choke on my water when he mentioned his sessions are normally about 5 hours!!!! The boys might have to start renting platform space!

I'll finish by saying Friday is the last day of work and two glorious weeks off. It should go without saying I cannot wait to put the feet up, eat big, train hard and enjoy the Australia summer!

Stay Strong


Sunday, December 16, 2012

Sometimes the best lifter is the last person you should listen to!

Often the distinction between being a good lifter and a good teacher is overlooked. Poll a group of lifters watching a squat or deadlift attempt and you will find 4 different views of the lift. Some will focus on the fact the lift went up or that the lifter ground it out with effort. Others might point out that the bar path was way in front of the mid foot in the squat or that the deadlift was hitched.

At PTC Perth many of the guys use mobile phones or tablets to record work sets and review form. This is a great idea as it gives you the ability to break down your movement pattern post training and work on form issues.

So often I see guys reinforcing crap movement patterns. Please don't misunderstand me as I am not advocating a workout that focuses on nothing but unilateral one legged bosu ball exercises for core strength. But you have no right to be adding weight and worrying about max effort attempts if your main worksets have really bad form. By bad form I mean rounded lower back, upper back collapsing and no hip drive when squatting. This is critical becuase if you are looking to hit a max in comp you will truggle if your form is crap with 70% 1RM.

At PTC Perth the Rucci brothers are a great example of strong squat form. Each set looks exactly like the last, great sit back, deep squat and real power through the hips. More importantly they assist others with the cues required for a good lift.

On the flip side I watch many guys who do a pretty decent job across all three lifts however you could put a gun to their head and they wouldn't be able to come up with the cues and coaching to assist and average trainer like myself. There is a big difference between performing a good lift and coaching someone else to a good lift.

To fix this become a student of the lifts. Get an objective assessment (BY SOMEONE WHO IS CREDIBLE) of your three lifts and work on the cues to rectify any issues. Take lots of video of your work sets and each time focus on the cues and how a 'good lift' feels. It takes lots of time to lock in a good movement pattern with the right cues. Even more time to undo a poor lift that has been continually reinforced.

Alternatively there are lifters that are so worried about perfect form that they never add weight to the bar. As a result they are always working at the 60-70% of 1RM before they get 'injured' or loose confidence in their current routine and going changing things.

As in all things you have to get the base right before you can build improvement. A pause now to re-work your lifts will pay dividends with bigger maximums, more mass and less injuries.

Stay Strong,

Saturday, December 15, 2012

I Don't Care What You Lift!

Let me clarify the title of today's post. When it comes to the crew at PTC Perth I actually do care what the lads do i.e like all of the lads I will be there spotting or filming or providing assistance if and when required. That brotherhood makes PTC Perth the premier place to train in Perth.

In the broader sense however I don't care what number someone else lifts. I can only control my reality. That means unless you are a 5,9 75kg 42 year old father of one who works long hours and has exactly the same strength and recovery ability anything you lift has absolutely no utility for me.

That's the beauty of this game, your only competitor is yourself. Passion and fire have to come from within because except for a very small few there is always someone stronger, faster or smarter than you. In lifting as in life if you measure yourself by those around you then you are in for a nasty surprise. I often think when young guys hit the gear its too often because they judge themselves externally and when they fail to measure up they turn to what they perceive is an easy fix.

I am aiming for states and nationals this year and I am going to keep plugging away with Wendler doing exactly as I have in the past, measuring and monitoring everything to do with my training. I will enjoy and support your goals but I'm never going to use them as motivation. The only guy that I am trying to beat is the guy in the mirror.

Stay Strong

Bench day today at PTC Perth

Day three of my new Wendler cycle and I am back under the bench. Big Mike was in again banging out multiple plate squats. Noticed he is less Olympic style balistic squat than he used to be and after talking to him appears its something he is playing around.

Today was bench day and it feels good to be back in normal training. Despite my leg injury  I still deadlifted this week though the squat is still no go I will be doing plenty of RDL and glute ham raises to work the posterior chain. Hopefully by the time I am back to squatting I will have a much stronger squat base.

Dan was in today, shirt off channeling Ricky! The big guy had some bad news so thoughts are with him.

Following bench I set up for some 'Boring but big' inverted rows. On this cycle I am making an even more concerted effort to work the mid and upper back and ensure the antagonist muscles to the bench are worked hard to maintain balance. 

The more I read and experiment the more I believe the bent over row is useless as fuck for all but the most balanced trainers. I have been making a point of watching and filming about 30 examples of rows over the last 3 months and it is interesting how upright guys are compared to how they perceive their form. Its a tough move as the more you fatigue the more you tend to stand up and exaggerate the curve in your back. My for the average guy like me with poor upper back musculature the invertered row is a perfect move to innervate upper and mid back muscles that are not well worked. Check out DeFranco's text book form...

 Following this the Pendlay performed well is a perfect way to add beef. The deload between reps allows the trainer to reset, remember the cues and get a strong powerful stimulation of the upper and mid back. Much more useful than the bent row where form breaks down after 5-6 reps with a decent weight. Interestingly it appears more lat dominate too and while great lats are good for the deadlift most average guys can do with way more beef in the upper back to help with squat stability and bench pressing. 

1 more week until 2 weeks xmas leave can't wait!

Stay Strong

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Friday’s Dose of Dumb Gym shit!

1)      People who really really love cross fit but train at other gyms so they can get strong for crossfit!

2)      People who use Olympic squat shoes but don’t check their movement pattern weakness first to see if they need them

3)      People who equate profuse sweating, oxygen debt and exhaustion as indicators of a successful strength session and growth stimulation

4)      Trying to spot someone leaping 6 feet in the air onto tractor tyres...if you fucking fall you fall!

5)      Performing your lifting session with you shirt off…yes you know those of you I am talking to. The shirt is to catch all that fucking sweat you are instead choosing to leave on the platform, bar, bench etc so leave it the fuck on!!!!

6)      The torsinator….people got strong as all hell in the 70’s and had strong cores to support their lifting but god how did they do this without a torsinator!!!???  Guess why we have torsinators coming out of our ass now? It’s because every numpty MMA wanna be watched UFC and saw GSP and Lesnar and all those guys using them, same as those fucking ropes. Now we have that space wasting shite everywhere.

Stay Strong

Wendler take 2!

Good session at PTC tonight. Given I am working at a client not far from the gym I have had occasion to start training at 5:30  rather than my customary 7:00pm. Quite a different feel early in the afternoon.

A good crew was in early banging the iron. Big Mike squatting strongly particularly given I was calling him a cross fitter (he isn't but just pulling your chain Mike!). Perry was in on his conditioning day so farmers walks were on the menu. Dan was in eating red rooster!! Ok so not quite on the program but I am sure the calories will come in handy to fuel his Smolov PB week.

For me it's week one of a new Wendler cycle and I tested my injured adductor. I can clearly feel something isn't right but a lazy 130 went up tonight for a few sets so I am going to see how it feels over the next few days as I continue physio.

Closing thought which I posed  to big come Oly lifters ignore the power rack and squat on shitty free standing racks?

Stay Strong

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Cross fit...WHO CARES!

I continue to be mystified by the hoopla and internet hate surrounding Crossfit. Accept it for what it is and if you believe that it is a bucket of shit then don't watch or participate.

Personally it annoys the crap out of me. The lack of programming shits me to tears as does some of the really crappy form. But hey I can go to most 'normal' gyms and observe the same phenomena so stupidity isn't limited to our cross fit friends.

Paul Carter on his blog suggested that given the obesity epidemic anything that gets more people off their ass can't be a bad thing and I agree to a point. However it is the way in which Crossfit 'commoditises lifting that gets under my skin. It dumbs down training to appeal to the those that equate health and strength with sweating and screaming and slapping asses. It's the same 'warrior' mentality that permeates those god awful 'boot camp' sessions.

Now don't even start with those..'oh but cross fit provides a better basis for life with allround fitness' comments I see constantly. HORSESHIT...train for function. I don't know about you but my ancestors stopped running around the Serengeti plain thousands of years ago. Therefore I do not need the capacity to run 5km non stop. My life is primarily anaerobic, short bursts of effort punctuated by rest (changing tyre, carrying groceries hauling sand in the yard). Hey if you are shipping out to Afghanistan (and I salute you) perhaps a routine based on multiple training modalities may suit better but regardless it still needs to be programmed to be progressive and measurable. Not a fucking WOD of the day!

For me training has to be based on a logical basis. For all round body composition, lift heavy such as Wendler 5/3/1 and on your off days perform programmed conditioning work. Very very simple, maximum effort minimal time and then get on with life!

But I return to my first point, if you like Crossfit then do it, if you think that it is a self indulgent aggregation of dunderclumpens then don't do it just get over it and get on with training. But in twenty years time..come see me. I will still be running Wendler and improving and I will sure as hell ask if you are still doing your kipping pulls, rope work, pistol squats and burpees and you know we will be comparing body composition and relative health! Be warned accountability is a bitch!

Stay Strong

The Power Rack is your best friend!

What I love about powerlifting is the absolute simplicity of the sport. Bar, plates and effort, is all that is required. In fact I love that I can head into the gym get into a power rack and not need to leave until my routine is done.

You could say a power rack is the strength athletes best friend, however there are sacred rules that must be adhered to:
  1. When training alone always squat and bench in the cage with safety bars in place. If you don't know why google gym accidents!
  2. Under no circumstance barbell curl in the rack. If you do it is immediate grounds for an ass kicking and revocation of your powerlifting status
  3. Don't use the best competition bar in the gym for your shitty rack deadlifts, if your going to bang bars into the safety racks use one of those old beat up bars in the corner
  4. No mirrors behind the rack!!

Stay Strong

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Strength Training for the Older Guy..5/3/1

I have said it many times but training as an older guy brings a whole different range of issues. Firstly recovery is not close to the glory days of your mid twenties. Most of us have accumulated a whole range of niggles and injuries that we either work around (if you're smart) or through (if you are not so smart!). Most impactful is the many work/family commitments that must come first. All of these ensure that just getting to the gym can be a challenge let alone thriving, growing and hitting PB's.

I take my hat off to my fellow iron addicts who are pounding the bar well into their 40's. It shows a commitment to a lifestyle of health and strength far beyond the superficial characteristics that got many started in the teens and twenties.

Personally I juggle a demanding job and toddler who doesn't want  her dad to get a good nights sleep. Regardless I have set solid PB's this year and have no reason to believe this won't continue.

The funny thing is though I train to reflect the nuances of my age and recovery ability I don't see myself different to my twenties. I literally have a 5 year look ahead of where I want to be and what I want to achieve at nationals and possibly worlds. Now this is quite aspirational but I have goals and I'm chasing them hard with intelligent focused training.

Interestingly lately whenever I read or talk to older lifters or professionals with lots of family commitments many seem to be running Wendler 5/3/1. I chatted to Perry one of the guys at PTC Perth and he has started to run Wendler and has similar feedback. I think the simplicity and flexibility really appeals particularly when you have a full schedule outside of the gym.

Jesse Rosenberger posted a great article on training in your 40's using Wendler 5/3/1, check it out

Stay Strong

How often do you change your strength routine?

A common problem for beginner intermediate trainers such as myself is how often to change routines. Perform a quick search on the internet for bodybuilding and powerlifting programs and you will be inundated by a plethora of guru's spouting the one and only way to train.

The problem is no one really understands the exact processes by which we grow. Obviously we know the general inputs: increase poundage over time, eat well and above requirements to grow,  volume and time under tension for hypertrophy, lower reps to work strength etc. However everyone is different so generally everything will work for at least a little while. Dan John likes to say that any approach will probably work for 6 weeks!

To get the most from your training you have to be 1 part business analyst, 1 part coach and 1 part cynic always evaluating your progress. However you have to give your self time to build up the work ethic and volume of training to generate results and importantly to better understand how your body responds over time. Unfortunately a preoccupation with instant results drives a constant 'chop and change' behavior which doesn't allow time for benefits of solid consistent training to accrue.

Now I do understand the temptation to tinker with routines. As staunch an advocate as I am, even I get tempted to mess with things. Just recently I wrapped up my Wendler 5/3/1 cycle. Now this cycle delivered me PB's for Military Press, Bench and Deadlift and yet I found myself contemplating a change. For what reason? None really just tinkering to try and improve results.

Thankfully I caught myself and realised I have a system that has provided solid PB's with no down why the bloody hell change? That's the key, be patient and if your system is delivering results then keep using it. Don't be swayed by the magazines or the latest tweak someone at the gym mentioned. Just stick with the program!

Stay Strong

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Want to drop 5kg's in a week....get travelers infection!

Nine days into my stomach bug and finally seeing the recovery light. Notwithstanding I have dropped approximately 4kgs in the last 9 days, it's good to be feeling better.

Interestingly this episode has reinforced the lack of respect I have for some GP's and the requirement for all of us to take responsibility for our health. Upon my first visit to the Dr 7 days ago I suggested I may have picked up a bacterial infection. This was based on a shit load of reading on my part and a pretty good understanding of my own health and how I normally react to a virus. Unfortunately the GP didn't share the same view and suggested it was likely a virus and should clear up in a few days. If it didn't I could do a stool sample for testing but her view was overwhelmingly that it was a virus.

Fast forward 2 days  (5 days since symptoms kicked in) and I was still spending the majority of the day shitting my insides out. So I decided to capture some of the lovely output and send it off to the labs. By the way ever tried doing a stool sample?  NOT FUCKING FUN!

Low an behold the results return and I am positive for a nasty infection of the gut..not a virus! Basically its the standard travelers infection you pick up when travelling to nasty overseas locations. God knows where I got it from but food hall, public swimming pools at my daughters swimming lessons are one of the many locations. Funny isn't it, after travelling to locations including Asia, Croatia and spending time in Africa for work the one place I get travelers gastro is in Perth! Even more annoying is that since the birth of my daughter I am so damn anal with cleanliness, I virtually live with one of those hand sanitizers strapped to me and yet I still picked it up from some where.

Now if I had listened to the lovely GP I would still be bent over by a nasty parasite that completely screws with your digestion. Instead I trusted my instincts and research and followed up the diagnosis myself.

So a large dose of medication (from a different Dr!) and I am on the road to recovery and looking forward to getting back to PTC Perth this week and kicking of the next Wendler cycle.

Stay Strong

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Powerlifting when sick...forget it!

After the giddy highs of my Smolov Jr bench 10kg PB I am now laid up with a nasty case of gastro. I knew something was wrong last Thursday. I had hit my PB the night before but almost immediately was hit with a really deep fatigue. At first I thought I was just getting a hit from the Smolov 4 days a week but by Friday I knew something was up.

That's one of the benefits of hitting the iron regularly, you get a good sense of how you are feeling and can tell the difference between training fatigue and when something isn't right. Regardless I wandered into the gym Saturday thinking a couple of sets to test my adductor injury might clear the head. Nothing doing! Empty bars felt heavy and I literally had to sit down between sets or fall down. After 30 mins I was out of there.

Suffice to say over the next few days the lovely effects of a nasty gastro kicks in and I have been driving the porcelain bus for most of the week (sitting on the toilet for my non Australian friends)!

Which brings me to my point, gastro is a nasty fucking illness for a powerlifter. You can't train obviously, but even worse you can't maintain calories or protein because what ever you ingest is coming back out pretty quickly in one of two directions!

Interestingly despite calling in sick a lot of my junior staff where still bombarding me with work related queries. None of the senior staff mind you they understand that if you are sick then stay away and get well. That's why I couldn't get my head around the constant back and forth over e-mail to me...then it clicked.

When a Y generation calls in 'sick' on a Monday ( particularly these couple of staff of mine) invariably its because they were on the piss having a huge night on Sunday and Saturday and cant be be bothered coming in. Therefore it doesn't even enter their reality that people can be genuinely crook from a legitimate illness...makes you wonder about the future!

So I have gone into typical Thomo sick mode now, haven't shaved all week, been moody and shitty and still eating a little steak when I shouldn't and paying for it dearly. Hopefully I will be right by Saturday or Sunday and then can break back slowly into my next Wendler routine.

The only issue currently is the adductor is still sore, with the physio now split evenly between tendinitis or a slight tear. Hopefully at my next physio appointment I will have a better idea of what I am facing.

Stay Strong

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Smolov Jr Bench Personal Best!

Tonight at PTC Perth my 3 week Smolov Jr Bench program concluded. I blogged previously about the lessons learned during this program but at the end of the day efficacy is judged on raw numbers.

Lots of bodies in tonight at PTC so I tried to stay focused, preserving my energy for the bar. Easy warm ups, a couple of sets of 6 working up in weight and down in reps. I'm working relatively fast but feeling strong and confident. Three weeks ago I was aiming for a 3kg PB and reps in week two suggested I was on track. I hit a single 6% lower than my current 1RM and then load the bar with a 5kg PB.

Under the bar now remember the cues, roll shoulders under, set my bridge, lock the body and grip the bar. Big breath lift off and lower to the chest...then bang damn thing goes up like a warm up..PB!

Feeling confident now, load the bar with a 10kg PB, rest and get set. Steel in the hands, feel the traps pushing into the padding. Soft lift off and the bar starts down, touch the chest pause and drive. Bar speed is good slows at the mid point then the triceps do their job and lock it out strongly. A 10kg PB, damn you Smolov you didn't let me down.

Now I am cocky and have nothing to lose. Five more kilograms are loaded and now I am under a 15kg PB, Despite the urgings and watchful eyes of big Mike, Dan and Aaron I lose it just below the mid point but felt enough of it to know its mine in the next cycle.

Three weeks of the Smolov Jr and a solid 10kg PB locked in. Shifting to benching 4 days a week was challenging particularly after the much lower frequency of the Wendler template that I normally run. In fact the change up in frequency made all of the difference, it really hypes your CNS and lets you groove technique. Then there is the increased volume which certainly allows for a nice strength compensation. 

Negatives... none to speak of though my rotator cuff tweaked slightly on my second to last session. Regardless I will have no hesitation programming a Smolov Jr mini cycle in the next 6 months to give the bench another kick.

Stay Strong

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Latest Black Ops Pre Workout Peri Nutrition

Now I shall apologise for the long winded title. I wanted to put the words black ops and peri nutrition in the title to fuck with the T-nation forum members who gobble up that bullshit about startling game changing supplements.

Once upon a time I took pre-workout powders, primarily because I wanted to see if they worked and was interested if there would be a discernible intra workout impact particularly on the back of a 12 hour day. Bottom line my view is they are redundant!

Invariably each concoction has some combination of the following:
  1. Anti-oxidants vitamin E, ALA etc well already take E so dont require an additional dose
  2. Endurance factors: Beta-alanine, Citrulline Malate, now last time I looked I'm a strength athlete and getting through 45 mins should require additional supplementation. Generally Beta-alanine helps endurance for higher reps and though studies show some efficacy I work most of my hard sets in the 1-5 range
  3. Cognitive enhancement: Some form of caffeine derivative. Funny I remember when No-explode first hit the market in ready to drink form and all those knuckle heads where shotgunning the whole bottle followed shortly after by shitting on the toilet and then lack of sleep 5 hours later! 
Well happy to say my workout nutrition, note I don't use the fancy 'peri' term as it shits me (say pre and post!) consists of black coffee 40 mins out, protein during workout (maybe whey, often milk) with some carbs and that's it. 

Guess what it doesn't cost me the ridiculous prices spotty teenagers pay at the local GNC and seems to do the trick!

Don't be fooled by the Niacin flush and Beta Alanine tingle, spend your money on the equivalent 10 kgs of quality beef premium mince for the month it will contribute much more to mass and strength!

Stay Strong

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Things I've Learned about Smolov Jr

Technically I am in my last week of Smolov Jr bench and thought it would be useful to share a few observations after running the program. A quick recap:  I have run the standard Smolov Jr template and have been benching 4 days a week. In terms of additional exercises I have limited myself to either face pulls, chins or band rows.

Key observations:

  1. Do not bullshit your 1RM on which the program is based. Make sure it is based on your current best 1RM, not your 1RM from 6 months ago that you haven't got close to or your estimated 1RM from your best 10 rep set or the 1RM you think you could make if...etc. If you get this wrong you will tap out far too early.
  2. Keep the calories up: if you are not used to the volume and frequency then you need to ensure you are getting plenty of calories to compensate
  3. Rest between sets: Your goal is to get those set and rep targets so rest sufficiently between sets to keep cranking out the sets especially on day four when you 
  4. Work on recovery between sessions: Benching 4 days a week can be hard for us mere mortals so ensure you are doing plenty of recovery and pre-hab. In the case of bench make sure you are getting in regular rotator cuff work.

So the big question is has it worked? For me definitely  I am in week 3 which is technically my final week (though I might push it 1 more week with reduced volume) and in my final session this week I am pushing 10 sets of 3 at a weight that is only 3 kgs lighter than my previous 1RM. So clearly I am confident of getting minimum 5kg 1RM test next week.

I think to much of the success of the Smolov is because I run Wendler 5/3/1 so the greater volume and frequency is a great change up from the Wendler minimal reps. So if you are looking to blow past a bench 1RM I recommend giving Smolov Jr a shot. Just run it for the 3 weeks!

Stay Strong

Best Anabolic Supplement...Sleep!

Over the last few weeks I have been reviewing my training journal. I do this at the end of each cycle to sense check progress and lock in any improvements I need to consider for my next cycle. For each set I complete I always note how hard it was in relatively terms. This was a tip I picked up from Damon Hayhow  who emphasised the importance of being able to compare effort from set to set and session to session.

As a natural lifter (clearly you ain't going to mistake me for geared any time soon!) my indicators will change  from session to session. Some days the iron just keeps going up and in others it fees like someone has slipped an extra couple of plates on the bar. Regardless a long term view shows poundages and PB's going up and body fat coming down. Though I am sure training at PTC Perth surrounded by old school powerlifting adds kg's to my lifts!

 Interestingly when I took a closer look at the individual sessions where I was below par one clear factor stood out...lack of sleep.  In every single occasion I had recorded a particular poor nights sleep either restless and woke tired or went to bed very late due to family or work commitments. There is so much literature that supports the restorative and anabolic effects of sustained good sleeping patterns.

It's easy to focus on so many other elements of training but don't forget the obvious and easiest anabolic element: a good nights sleep!

Stay Strong

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Powerlifting Roids - Get Strong First

One of the dumbest things I see is young guys going very very far down the anabolic path.

Before I continue lets get the obligatory steroid stance out of the way before every jacked lifter in the country posts a comment! I 'don't have a problem with roids, in fact I agree with many legitimate uses of steroids. For HIV positive men to assist with health, no problem. For burns victims to reduce catabolic effects of their injuries, no problems. For men who clinically have declining testosterone manifesting itself in negative ways such as depression, pre-diabetes etc, no problem. Hell if I get to fifty and my natural testosterone plummets I will be the first one dropping my pants for a clinical and legal therapeutic dose. Notice what I said....a dose the restores me to a positive hormonal balance. No ridiculous over the top supra-physiological doses that take me off the chart into side effects!

I have said this many times but you have to, have to, have to push your genetic boundaries first. Remember with gear there is only ever 1 'first cycle' and you can never go back.

The implication of this is that your body is a test tube and if you haven't figured how to tweak and cajole every ounce out of it naturally then quite simply your fucked if you jump to the gear to compensate. Because once you do the only lever to pull is the more is better approach!

At the previous gym I trained at there were several highly visible examples of train wrecks waiting to happen. One particularly was interesting and as I watched him slide into using it was interesting to see that he really had no plan. His lifts obviously went up and the water weight kicked in as well along with the obligatory zits on the shoulders. However what was painfully obvious is that he had no formal dose plan, still trained session to session with no sense of load, percentages or effort. No eventually at some point his supply will dry up or he will have to come off. He hasn't got the first clue about post cycle therapy and once he is off the drop in body weight and poundage lifted is seriously going to fuck with his mind and he won't have a clue how to address it.

Similarly I witnessed a young guy recently who, while he pushed some pretty decent competition weights was taking fair whack of gear. In fact against others around him he was so obviously on the gear that it was funny.

As I reflect on this post I think I am most offended by the use of roids when it is a short cut. Honestly fuck you if you can't put the time in first. Training is hard work and requires you to think about what you are doing to drive outcomes long term. If you cant focus on that before hitting the gear then you shouldn't be in this game.

Stay Strong

Geared versus Raw Lifting Screw ups

Ever notice that people sometimes adopt methods that are completely wrong for their goals! In the past I have noticed a lot of natural and non geared lifters fucking around with techniques that are focused on geared lifting.

The primary one is people doing lots and lots of box squats. Now I am no Dave Tate or Louie Simmons but for the average guy looking to get big and strong  AND who doesn't use a squat suit the box squat is overrated. Sure it loads the posterior chain and keeps the lower leg upright but unless you replicate that form in your actual squat then whats the point. Again if you have a naturally narrower stance squat then I fail to see how your box squatting transfers other for deadlift hip drive (which is a different reason to be doing them).

Similarly guys that bench raw and start screwing around focusing on lock out techniques. Now that's fine if you actually have a lockout problem but I guarantee if you watch their work sets invariably they are getting stapled to the bench off the chest not in the last quarter of the movement.

Often the average guy is ignorant of the changes in the strength curve that occur when shifting from raw to geared lifting.

Bottom line: think about the technique and whether it has utility for your training before you include it in your next cycle.

Stay Strong

PTC Perth Push Pull Competition

PTC Perth hosted their edition of the overall PTC push pull comp. Good turnout and some great lifting. Well done to Paul, Dan and Aaron at PTC Perth for putting on a great event as always!

The cross tables are below:


Conditioning Work for Powerlifting

Why is it that people like to continually complicate shit? Maybe it's because I am a management consultant I have a predisposition for finding the simplest solution to get the job done. It's just that I find people's obsession with conditioning work exhausts me!

Why do conditioning, for health and to ensure sufficient endurance for our primary goal which is to lift heavy shit off the ground! So why is it so many people have to create these 'funniest home video'  like obstacle courses with 8 different exercises just to get in 20 mins of conditioning.

I'm not a huge fan of conditioning perhaps its because as a lad my sport was running and cycling so the idea of conditioning work brings back lots of oxygen debt training memories. However these days I keep it simple, I find a hill I run up the hill many times in 20 mins and then I fall down! People it shouldn't be any harder than that. Now if you want to do your lovely rope work because MMA stars do rope work then so be it but do you really need 8 different exercises.

In fact in the spirit of keeping it simple read up on Dan John's Tabata protocol. This 4 min hell protocol involves:

Work for 20 seconds
Rest for 10 seconds

Work for 20 seconds
Rest for 10 seconds

Work for 20 seconds
Rest for 10 seconds

and repeat 5 more times

After much experimenting the venerable Dan John suggests the front squat is the best exercise for this followed closely by the goblet squat. Note the weight you will need to use will be minuscule but that will be a godsend by the time you collapse after the near 4 mins of agony.

The old favourites of prowler or farmers walks also works well but at the end of the day why are you doing these things? If it is for conditioning then you don't need to go to failure with a ridiculously heavy weight.

As with all things remember the conditioning work is an adjunct to your lifting not the other way around so programme it with this in mind!

Keep the variety for the Chinese buffet post training!

Stay Strong

Weight training 101 - Stick to the Plan!

The more I train the more I am convinced that may lifters struggle with progress because of a propensity to over complicate things. This partially stems from our inherent impatience for progress, even more so in a generation that is predicated on instant gratification.

I often quote Wendler  ' There are no 8 week plans, rather yearlong goals and decade long plans'. For me that is the perfect mindset for programming lifting. If this premise holds true then you just need to knuckle down and bang out the reps year in and year out. There is no magic formula, pill or approach just some common sense.

Unfortunately many lifters, particularly those in their twenties change their routines, approach, diet etc more often than their underwear, never sticking with an approach long enough to derive the benefits. The problem is the aforementioned expectation of progress. Often the routine they are on will deliver growth, size and strength but likely in the medium to long term. However these guys want the PB or the 10kg of mass in the first 8 weeks and when it doesn't materialise off they go again on a new routine coupled most likely with the next latest and greatest supplement!

I think having the balls (sorry ladies) to hunker down and focus on long term gains is the old school way. Knowing that you have to lift over years is quite empowering and puts into context all of the short term 'noise' that distracts others from making progress.

Interestingly having a longer term view makes dealing with injury somewhat easier. So often lifters start climbing the walls when they can't train or even though they screwed their back in training they just have to try and pull a max deadlift 1 week later?! By realising that lifting is a lifetime endeavour then a month out for surgery or active rest is nothing if it means you can keep doing this for decades after.

Just remember..stop fucking around with your program. Stick to something simple, train, eat rest and REPEAT!

Stay Strong

Friday, November 16, 2012

Powerlifting Motivation Video 2

Below is another of my favourite motivational videos. Though its the Olympic lifting crew at MDUSA the first 1;40 minutes is my favourite gym footage. The music is haunting and low key and the guys and gals are in warm up mode. However it resonates heavily with my view of training as a workman like activity. Just another day at the office where you are doing the things that will pay off in years to come.

That shit epitomizes my view of training and also aligns with the Wendler view that training is about 5 year and decade long goals. Shorter views just force people into shorts cuts with gear and injuries.

Also have a look at Jon North at the 1:25 mark, his approach to a lift is perfect. Quite contemplation morphing into intensity and then explosion. He doesnt need any bullshit wrap music and smacks on the back of the head. Just go out their and fucking lift!.

Don't forget the PTC Perth push pull comp is on tomorrow so if you aren't competing then get down and watch the crew lift, their should be a few GPC records fall!

Stay Strong

Bench Press Tips - Have a big gut and short arms!

It's week two of my Smolov Jr bench cycle and things are ticking along nicely. Today was the final session of week two and I hit 10 sets for 3 reps at a weight only 8kg lighter than my previous 1RM bench. Suffice to say I am confident I will blow my 1RM away at the end of this cycle in two weeks.

Benching this frequently has got me thinking about the mechanics of the lift and I can't help reflect on what a huge role genetics plays in this sport. Have a look at our massive friend in the picture above. He has just about touched bottom given both the shortness of his arms and the huge barrel chest. If you remove the size of his chest he is effectively doing a quarter press the lucky bastard.

For an average guy like me my arms are probably a good 2 inches longer proportionately and my chest is about 8 inches lower!! So effectively I have to push my weight through an additional 8+ inches. Lets not forget he has approximately 900 pounds in this picture so it evens up somewhat!

Regardless this minor injury constraining my squat and dead-lift is at least going to reap rewards in a PB Bench.

Stay Strong

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Ass to Grass Back Squat

So given my injury I am 2 sessions into my 4 week smolov jr bench specialisation and by all accounts feels pretty damn good. After so long on a particular regime it certainly shocks the body to move to a 4 day a week bench routine.

Just a brief post today but perusing MDUSA tonight for some motivational videos and found James from MDUSA hitting 220kg squat at 78kg followed  by Jess with a PR at 127kg...damn bringing the BOOM!

Stay strong


Monday, November 5, 2012

Old School Bodybuilding - Arnold versus Ronnie

I have been watching bodybuilding since 1983 when  an aesthetic Samir Bannout took out the Mr Olympia. Back then I had only just started to watch powerlifting so it was bodybuilding that captured my attention.

Looking back now I am conscious that we have gotten much bigger and stronger but a hell of a lot uglier in the Bodybuilding world. Primarily this is due to the ridiculous doses of roids and GH that everyone from a pro to amateurs are taking.

However you don't realise how much has been lost until you put the champions of yesterday next to today's mass monsters. It's only then that you can see just how great yesterday's champions looked. Importantly for the average guy like me you always felt that the champions look was achievable, the clean flowing lines and size didn't feel unattainable  Fast forward to today and the ridiculous size and vascularity just seems otherworldly let alone far from healthy.

Check out my favourite pic below. Now I am a huge fan of Ronnie and like most was in awe of his mass and work ethic. However side by side with Arnold I know I much prefer the Terminator's look and elegant lines.

Stay Strong

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Powerlifting Injuries...Shit Happens

Well yesterday's session confirmed I am injured and need to lay off heavy legs for 4 weeks! I caught up with  my good physio buddy today and confirmed it is a strained adductor on my left side. Likely not a tear and pretty minor but one of those annoying niggley injuries that after a week it feels great then suddenly you feel it go when you move a certain way.

I trained at PTC Perth yesterday: deadlift day cycle 1 and a modest 130kg on the bar for 5. The weight went up ok given every week 1 for me after de-load feels shit. However I couldn't shake the tweak when I was either tight ready to pull or at full extension driving the hips under. Worse to come cambered bar squats with an empty bar felt worse so I knew it was time to draw a line under this cycle. I am not disappointed though as I PB'ed Bench, Deadlift and Military 2 weeks ago.

Prognosis is couple of weeks and I should be ready to go but I am going to give it 4 weeks off heavy squat and deadlifts. I want to be fresh for a run at states and nationals next year so caution is the way to go.

I tend to think a lifter's response to injury defines them even more so than when they are in the hole with a PB on their back. My mate Damon Hayhow is a classic in this regard. Tore his achilles this year and not too many weeks later was squatting 3 plates in a moon boot to build up his leg.

Similarly I am seeking the opportunity in this scenario. Thanks to my crappy genetics and long arms my bench is far and away my worst lift so for the next 4 weeks I am going to rock a Smolov Junior template with plenty of upper back work to push a Bench PB. Net result should be healed adductor, fresh legs and 5-10kg bench PB.

Oh and if anyone wants first class Physio with practitioners who don't over-service and aim to get you back on the platform quick then check out Sean or Kim at Floreat Physiotherapy (have a Como practice too!)

Stay Strong

Friday, November 2, 2012

PTC Perth - Get a Dexa Scan

I am sure most of you will know that the easiest way to annoy me is to go on about your training but not actually measure progress. It annoys me professionally given my background as an analyst ( I rely on evidence) and secondly it's dumb. Given the amount of time spent  in the gym if you are not monitoring markers of progress you are simply flying blind.

At PTC Perth we like to be a little more committed to training and therefore have an option for all of our members to perform Dexa scans to measure body composition changes and understand actual phsyiological impacts of training. Now the powerlifter in you will say..well if the numbers on the bar are going up then  its all good. However if you take a longer more sensible view training should also be about positive physical changes otherwise you can end up looking like a chunky super-heavy weight before you can say pass the bacon!

So what are DexaDexa scans? Dual  Energy  X‐ray  Absorptiometry  (DEXA)  is  the most  accurate  measure  of  body  composition  available  (muscle  and  fat  percentages  for whole  body,  trunk,  arms  and  legs). This provides a perfect method to track decreasing body fat or increasing muscle mass.  As a bonus it also measures your bone density. Why is measuring bone density body composition important? Well for most of us it wont be necessary but as you age bones  demineralise  and  this  can  lead  to  reduced  bone  density  and  in  some cases,  osteoporosis  and  the  mortality  rate  is  markedly  increased  after  an  osteoporotic fracture.

So how does it work. Well to get the great PTC rate you have to obviously be a member of PTC Perth. You head off to the testing centre and see the fantastic team at ECU Joondalup. The procedure goes like this: Each  scan  takes  between  5‐10  minutes  and involves  lying  supine  with  the  legs  positioned  to allow  reproducible  and  accurate  results.  The scanner  is  painless  and  uses  very  low  level radiation (less than a flight to the East coast).  An accredited  Exercise  Physiologists  will  be  able  to answer any questions at the time of the scan.

In my experience it is simple straight forward and I get one performed every 5 months to track my body composition changes.

If you want more details e-mail me, leave a comment or see Paul,Dan or myself in the gym.

Stay Strong Thomo

Powerlifting Motivation - Video No 1

I love when Saturday rolls around. The long hours of the week are left behind  I get to spend time with my daughter and my training session is unhurried and civilized. Like most of you my training is weeknights after work with a typical training day going something like this:

Alarm clock 4:55am, shower, shit, breakfast, get on the train with the great unwashed and at the office by 6:15. Spend the day at clients, meetings analysis all the usual management consultant fun. Then jam into the evening train at 6:30 to get back and spend time my daughter  before she goes to bed.

Guzzle some protein, foam roll and band work at home, kiss the wife in the car and at PTC Perth by 7:30 (if all goes well). By the time warm up, workout and quick chats with the lads its 9:00pm. In the car home by 9:15 and at 9:40 eating dinner. By 10 cleaning shit up and packing meals for the next day. Head hits the pillow at 10:30-11:00pm and start all over again!

I am sure many of you will have a similar schedule therefore I absolutely love when Saturday training comes around. I can take my time getting into the training zone, its warm outside so the juices flow more easily, the gym is much less busy. It's just a nice change of pace for the week and often why I love when deadlift rolls around on this day!

So I can hear you now..yes Thomo we are playing a violin of sad music for you but whats your fucking point!!

Well it doesn't take much to motivate me, I am lifting because I love it but from time to time I need a little external Boom to get me in the zone. Over the next few posts I want to share some of my favourite motivational videos.

Here is one of my favorites from EliteFTS

Stay Strong

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Powerlifting Gear...Why do we need it?

It's clear to me that my post today will be considered somewhat controversial. But I make no apologies, if you wanted main stream viewpoints you would be reading a Men's Health article about how to work out in your lounge chair.

So here it is: I am not a fan of geared/equipped powerlifting. Now before the howls of protest start let me make my case. Oh and yes I am no record holder but I have been watching this shit since Ted Arcidi hoisted 705  back in the mid eighties so I am coming at this with a little background.

The more I involve myself in this game the more I seek the true effort, the honest lift. I love the concept of man/woman against the bar. The pure simplicity of it all appeals to me. Call me a purist but if you get 40kgs from your bench shirt how is that your value add? Yes I understand the weight still needs to be lifted but if your poly/denim multi ply shirt takes that strain then what is the point. Not to mention equipped lifting changes the whole strength curve.

I'd be the first to admit that drawing the line at what is natural is hard in our game. The link between supplements ingested and real benefit is often nebulous with all but the basics of protein and creatine where it  is very clear that one of the hi tech modern shirts adds significant pounds to a lift. Hey even Arcidi wearing a first generation basic shirt in the mid eighties leveraged an additional 35- 40 pounds above his best.

It's not such a big deal Thomo I hear you say? Well for the fella's out there its like having a 5 inch pecker but buying a 9 inch sex toy and then telling everyone you are well hung!!!! Doesn't make sense if it isn't you doing the work!

I think deep down the use of equipment says something about our ability to chase an outcome without understanding the journey. I'd much rather see a heavyweight hoist 600 pounds raw and unaided then watch him work himself into a ridiculous open backed shirt for the sake of a few more pounds.

Call me old fashioned but I want my lifting as natural as possible!

Stay Strong

4 Mistakes in Strength Training

  1. Don't tell me something works in your training unless you FUCKING MEASURE IT: This is a big one for me, as an analyst I rely on evidence and logic only. Therefore it shits me no end when people take a supplement or other aid and suggest it works based on nothing more than a feeling. Actually the whole supplement industry is predicated on the fact that most trainers don't measure their progress and therefore "convince" themselves that supplements work.
  2. Don't overdo functional exercises: I understand that most of us have imbalances that require remedial measures but that does not mean 90% of your training should be one legged bulgarian split squats on a bosu ball. Do the remedial work as assistance exercises..after your main work sets on the big lifts.
  3. Regularly review your form on the big lifts: We are in the age of portable media devices where every smart phone can take high quality video. So if the functionality is there make sure you use it. I learn so much from freeze framing my key lifts at various points e.g. on the deadlift is my back angle correct at the first pull, are my hips too high, do I drive my hips under the bar at the right time? Just recently a new member at PTC  was training the deadlift but lifting far too heavy: hips to high in the opening stance, no lordotic curve, complete breakdown of from at initiation as lumbar flexion occurred. Interestingly this person thought their lift was perfect but without the video evidence it would be very hard to illustrate  form errors. Bottom line take a video weekly!
  4. If you bench heavy and often..then do some rows! Get someone to take picture of you side on. Notice that shoulder rolled forward, that winged scapula? Yes its because you bench like a maniac and do far to little opposing work for the upper back and rear delts. Bend over and do some damn Pendlay rows.

Oh and on a non related point....note the word doesn't have a K on the end.I keep hearing people say 'anythink'...its not  A FUCKING WORD!

Stay Strong

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Week 1 Wendler is always the Hardest!

Despite de-load week firmly in the rear vision, the hardest week of Wendler 5/3/1 kicks in..week 1. Yes weird as it seems I always feel like crap on week 1. I am not sure whether its the transition from the 50% weights of de-load or just the great gods of Iron fucking with me. Regardless I always struggle with my bench top set of 5, hell even deadlift feels like someone added extra plates.

Actually I think it is more likely I have incremented the last 3 cycles just a little to much so while I am kicking the top sets on week three, for some reason the rep days are kicking my ass. In fact at this point I am close to shutting down this macro cycle. Not withstanding my squat issues (now fixed with the cambered bar) last cycle I hit 1RM's on Bench, Deadlift and Military Press so a de-load month of volume reps and active recovery is probably on the cards.

My goal in the next year is to lift at nationals in the 75kg class masters and hang with the PTC crew, though I should get a first comp in possibly in January depending on how the totals go. Though the short term short term goal is to kick back with holidays over X-mas and enjoy 3 weeks off just eating lifting and sleeping..bring it on!

Stay Strong

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Bench Press PB - Ohhh yea

Tough day at work yesterday, fires to fight, meetings to grind through and after that I still had to drag my sorry ass into the gym. I arrive home spend time with my daughter and then the pre workout caffeine kicks in. The buzz starts and the weariness starts to dissipate.

Fast forward, I am in the car and Foo Fighters and booming through the speakers. Its funny after feeling shit early in this cycle I have hit PB's on this final week, first in the Deadlift then Military Press and now lining up for the bench.

Three sets...5/3/1 not too much to ask for a PB. I look around its quiet in the gym tonight, most of the Monday night crowd are absent, recovering from a competition on sunday. Between sets I pump out sets of 7 on the chin bar. Wendler advocates sets of chins between each set of bench and by now I have worked up to 9 sets. Interestingly as big Andy Bolton suggests these mini sets between work sets build lots of volume without eating into your primary sets.

Final set is here and despite no ACDC playing I grind out a nice 1 rep bench PB. This has been a tough cycle with wild variances between good and bad, but I showed up and my reward is 3 PB's in three weeks.

Damned de-load week and I am raring to go, bring on cycle 8!

Stay Strong

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Hottest Bodybuilding Supplements

My old friends at a certain popular bodybuilding website are at it again. It appears they are in the process of releasing a new supplement and this means their guerrilla marketing activities kick into high gear.

The normal modus operand i works this way. One of the popular staff or feature writers will mention in passing a supplement they are taking as part of their regime. The clever part is they won't say much about the supplement in question just a couple of positive assertions about how good they feel post ingestion or that they were a bit low until said supplement kicked in.

The merest mention of a possible new supplement drives the faithful into a frenzy. Consequently the forums of this particular site go apoplectic with queries about the supplement: when's it out, what's it called, when can I get it etc.  If they stick to their form they will stoke this flurry of interest by cheeky but deliberate snippets of information. This usually takes the form of:
  'well its a top secret black ops item we have only be offering to pro bodybuilders"

This serves to drive even more activity on the boards and voila in 5- 6 weeks the demand for this product is overwhelming just in time for the heralded release.

Once released the price will be exorbitant and if they are unlucky the customers will be told that to get the most from the supplement they must sign up for an automatic re-order requirement on their credit card!!1

Stay tuned for this must have supplement and yes this crew really do give me the shits!

Stay Strong

Friday, October 12, 2012

Want to get in shape - Pick up Heavy Stuff

Well I kicked off the day reading my local newspaper and needing a little laugh I decided to have a read of the 'Healthy Mind and Body section.

As always there is the ubiquitous article discussing obesity and general weight loss. What I find a constant source of annoyance is that these articles are written by individuals that have no first hand experience of good body composition. Consequently they often suggest the most inane activities to supposedly kick start the path to health.  As case in point I present you the following list that was suggested as 'excellent' ways to get active:
  1. Stand up while on the telephone
  2. Take the stairs (not so bad)
  3. Walk, cycle or use public transport (!!??) 
  4. Wash the car by hand
  5. Play a game of mini golf
  6. play hopscotch with the kids
Based on this truly execrable list our chubby friends above will be washing themselves into world class shape in no time.Why is it we always play to the lowest common denominator. If these approaches worked we wouldn't have the persistent obesity issues that are facing the normal population.

Let's be clear doing 1-6 above will make no damn difference unless you automatically graduate to normal accepted activities such as weight training etc and we know from the literature most people don't follow this path.

So lets get hard with people and articulate what they should be doing rather than enabling their bad habits. Bottom line if you want to get healthy get off your fat ass and doing meaningful exercise!!!

Stay Strong

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Best Strength Training Program Ever

1.Pick a program that is based on common sense and incremental progression

2.Train regularly

3.Eat lots of lean healthy food


5.Rinse and Repeat...over a long time...years