Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Absolute best powerlifting advice

Absolute favourite powerlifting quote.......

" Get under a bar and get into a buffet "

Absolute favourite powerlifting quote came courtesy of an old Clint Darden video blog. It was in response to a query from a young guy that weighed about 80kg and claimed he was at a sticking point and needed Clint's advice on his first cycle of gear!!!

Thankfully Clint is a pretty smart guy and straight away hit him with that classic line and simply reminded him that he was so far away from his genetic potential and that his numbers (lifts) were so average he just needed more hardwork.

Of course some douchebag in the comments section missed the point and gladly provided a supposed entry level cycle but hat off to Clint for injecting some common sense into a typical internet query.

Personally I have had many times where I think I am doing all I can and progress is too slow but two things are evident:

1) You generally arent effective in your training. Is your diet really spot on, are you really managing a template based on good principles and are you fucking sticking to it for a long long time?

2) Progress for many of us is painfully slow no matter how dialled in our program and diet is. I am about 8kg heavier since I started training based on my Dexa scan results and I still barely look like I train. This shit takes time.

Bottom line, get your shit together stay focused and realise this is a 10 year plus game, sounds shit doesn't it but suck it up that's the game.

Stay Strong

Monday, July 29, 2013

Cmon just say its about the roids would ya!

I was watching a Clint Darden video the other night and it reminded me why I like his material...he simply says it like it is and tends to focus on outcomes and evidence rather than Bro science. I particularly like his discussions re performance enhancing drugs. Check out his video below....

This discussion re PED's got me to thinking about competitive strength sports. As most of you know there are a multitude of federations some of which are tested and some that aren't. Those that are tested particularly in Australia tend to be very vocal about their association with ASADA and WADA.

What is interesting is the way individuals who are comfortable with PEDs tend to disparage the tested federation. Invariably the claim will be that the fed isn't truly drug free and often they will point to a recent worlds where some 80kg lifter hit a 300+ squat as evidence.

 Now I kind of agree with their logic as for me a tested federation only says that at some point certain lifters in the fed have passed a test. That is all, as we don't have biologic passports nor is there extensive testing at events. In fact at a recent event here in the west a mate indicated he came second by a tiny Wilks margin after putting up some big numbers and yet he wasn't tested. So the testing regime is only as good as the funding will allow and we all agree it is not detailed enough.

As I have stated before I frankly don't care about recreational or athlete PED use. In a society with finite funds to apply to law enforcement I would prefer those funds applied to stamp out elicit drug use such as meth, heroin etc as those  addicts are the guys that will (and have) broken into my house seeking funds for their habit. I am pretty damn sure I will never have a powerlifter kicking down my door to get cash for a fix of deca.

However I want to call out those in the non tested feds. I am happy for you to disparage the failings of tested feds but don't tell me that's why you don't lift clean. Much prefer less bullshit and more honesty. So next time on the forum rather than say ohh I don't lift in the IPF because they are not really a clean fed...blah blah blah just man up and say....

'I fucking love the gear, it gives me an extra 100+kg to my total, I feel great when I am on it and I would fucking hate to have to train naturally again and THATS why I don't lift there'

See I can respect that, even as someone that is natural (lol clearly) I get that. As Wendler said you really only get to flip that card once so I can imagine going back to the rhythms of natural training would be very very hard. 

So just fucking declare it and us newbies all get a better filter to evaluate your results etc when we are setting our goals naturally.

Stay Strong

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Rotator Cuff Work for Powerlifters

Something I have tried to be much more diligent about on my current template is ensuring my assistance work is focused on quality exerises that really complement the big lifts and my weaknesses. Thankfully for most people they are one and the same.

This has meant I do an upper-back dumbell row each session, ab work (roller or leg raise) and GHR for hammies. So far this has worked well and becuase I am only focusing on a small amount of assistance work, it means I can really focus on doing it well and still finish up the session in a reasonable time.

Now I am going to introduce so rotator cuff work each session to keep the shoulders strong. This is also timely since I really want to push my bench prior to next years Nats as this is were any of my 75kg competitors get a good 30-25kg's on me.

Mike Robertson is someone I follow quite regularly mainly because his pre-hab stuff is simple and he understands that we still have to get a workout in. Often some writers will bombard you with so many 'must have' pre-hab movements you literally would have to be working out 24/7 just to fit it all in!

For example I have just been adding in the simple rotator work in the video below. Straight forward, simple and doesn't take long...perfect!

Stay Strong

Friday, July 26, 2013

Post Deadlift Chilling

Saturday afternoon in not so sunny Perth chilling on the couch while my daughter hammers the I-pad and her Elmo app.

Last night I trained deadlifts and military press and overall felt like a pretty strong session. As I did with Squats on Monday I switched up the deadlifts to an inverted Jugg (8x5 rather than 5x8). I find this along with the brief rests and volume sets really ups my work rate. In fact I haven't felt this sore in the glutes since...well actually since never! It helps that I am remembering to actively try and explode every time out of the bottom of each lift.

I was in earlier than normal so it was pretty quiet in the gym. The Rucci's were in by 5:00 and my fellow juggernaught partner in crime Dazza turned up shortly after. Our own world record holder Darwin was in hitting the squat rack but the teen titan was looking a little worse for wear with a head cold.

I finshed off the session with pronated grip chins with 5kg strapped to the waist. I dropped chins in the last few weeks of Nats prep so starting off with them again with a light weight. It's funny how easy it is to be de-trained on chins even  moderate reps felt  a little heavy last night.

Bench up next, and I may squeeze that session in a day early on Sunday tomorrow!

Until then...

Stay Strong

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Mid Week Squats!

Week four of my Juggernaught template is well under way. Last night was squats and though I was still getting late to the gym due to work I had managed a good nights sleep prior so it was nice to be feeling a little more relaxed.

I switched it around and followed the inverted jugg so that it was 8x5 with about minute and a half between sets to keep the work rate high. Actually felt heavy but I was exploding out of the hole which felt good so at least generating a lot of force. Still very tight in the hips, particularly my left side so I will book treatment from the physio next week to help loosen it off. I followed up the squats with 4 sets of 5 on the GHR, though again need to take some comparison videos of my form on these as I am not convinced I have the movement pattern completely correct.

My final assistance assistance work of the night was dumbell rows, again these are new for me but I feel much more stable in the upper back already. Upper-back is an area I genetically don't have a lot of muscle in but these rows have really helped innervate the area and I now feel the mid traps etc working.

Overall I am feeling very good, despite a huge load at work and work mates and family dropping with various flu ailments over the last 5-6 weeks I have remained good. Importantly I feel my work rate in the gym has really improved with a higher intensity.

My lower back was a little tight this morning but I think that was due to a little butt wink on the final couple of reps last night where I lost a little belly tightness in the bottom position. Should be good to go for Deadlifts tomorrow so cant wait!

The gym is looking fantastic as always but I have noticed the key nights M-W-F have a different vibe as a number of the key team are coming in at different times. On the positive there are some new faces and a few as a result of the novice comp last month!

Stay Strong

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Hardcore Powerlifting Gym in Perth...PTC Perth!

Most of the regulars on here know that for quite a while I struggled to find a gym my side of town that provided an old school environment with the right equipment and the right trainers.

Thankfully Aaron and the Rucci lads Dan and Paul stepped up to create the premier training facility in Perth. Now I could go on for hours about how damn good this gym is but perhaps I should let Dan and a recent video speak for itself....

Really just pick up the phone or come down, you need to join this gym!

Stay Strong


Sometimes I really should just shut the fuck up

So what did I say this morning that despite the interrupted sleep I am still going to have a good training session. Well a client drama meant no time for lunch just a protein shake since late breakfast at 9:00. Now its 7:15pm and I am two hours late training, still stuck at work and now the blood sugar is dropping. Yep a bitch of a day and I still need to do bench and back.

Just damn funny really, but as in most situations its not what you do on a good day its what you do under pressure that counts. I get to the gym about 8:00 hunker down and just get on with lifting. In fact despite the late night and shitty prep I manage a strong session. Lucky for me that I am benching rather than bearing down under the squat bar.So after putting in another long day I am going to do my damnedest to sleep well tonight because I do have squats tomorrow!

Until tomorrow....

Stay Strong

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Sleep and Powerlifting

So last night I mention in my post that I need to get a good nights sleep so I am primed for training tonight. Fast forward to Monday morning and sometimes I wish I would just keep my mouth shut.

At 1:40am my gorgeous little daughter (2yrs) starts crying out (fairly regular occurrence around this time each morning) and managing to hear it through my god awful snoring ( my wife's words not mine) I decide to get up and apply some Daddy logic to the situation.

Now clearly this shouldn't take long after all I have worked in Boardrooms, consulted to mining companies. led large consulting engagements and now I am a General Manager for a market. leading manufacturing company. Therefore my powers of persuasion should wrap this up in about two minutes right..wrong. Little miss starts screaming for her mother and despite me setting a new nappy changing record nothing will calm her until said wife appears and manages to calm things down within 10 minutes.

Therefore my ego is dented and more importantly its now 2:30am which rolls around to 3:15 before I nod off again just in time for my alarm at 5:00 so I can be at work at 6:00am. Oh yes another day in paradise.

Now there are three things I want to say about this sorry little episode. First, damn mothers are amazing with kids I simply don't know how they do it, second shit happens because at the end of the day family and taking care business comes first and third I am going to have a great session tonight because a one off bad nights sleep can be dealt with as its all in the mind!

However what I will do is get a damn early nights sleep tonight after training.

Stay Strong


Another Sunday done and dusted

Deadlifting on Friday went well,  though as mentioned on Friday I think on my second pass through the Juggernaught template I will adopt the inverted jug. While I love the high rep sets I can definitely see the effectiveness taper off as form degrades on a longer set, so I can better understand why Chad Wesley Smith now prefers this template.

After a rep record of 15 reps at 70+ % I  was thankful for the weekend off and more thankful that tomorrow is bench and back day. Tomorrow will be Jug Bench sets followed by Pendlay rows and chins. Since I have started this template I am trying to do some form of rowing most training nights and my upper-back is already feeling stronger.

Big day at work tomorrow and I need my sleep to be ready for training!

Stay Strong

Thursday, July 18, 2013

It's Friday and its Deadlift night!

When I was younger Friday night was THE night for fun. I much preferred hits the pubs and clubs with work mates straight after work than doing it on a Saturday. Perhaps it was inherent laziness as at least on a Friday I was already out and about whereas Saturday I had to drag my bum off the couch.

Friday's activities would involve plenty of alcohol, lots of banter and invariably a finish in the wee hours of Saturday. This obviously necessitated a recovery period that wasted a good portion of Saturday as well.

Funny how times change as my Friday now consists of getting my planned pre-workout food in, smashing my planned reps in the deadlift tonight then getting home to eat and then play with my daughter before she goes to bed! To be honest I don't miss the old days at all, my life is much more enriched now and it's a hell of a lot better for my body too.

Now in the back of my mind I know that damn loaded bar is waiting for me tonight. I can already feel it against my calloused hands, feel the tension in the bottom position prior to the first pull feel that relief when I make it my bitch tonight. Just another session on the road to Nationals 2014.

Stay Strong

Squats...more please!

Good squat session on Wednesday night though interestingly the vibe was a little quiet. I suspect the gym transitioning to 24/7 operation is allowing people a little more flexibility to vary their training times. Regardless Dan was in holding a group coaching session and doing a great job as always with some relative newcomers to PTC (though Dan we got to talk about that ghetto trash music!!!).

My wingman Darwin was under the squat bar working his squat pretty hard for reps though speaking to him later he may have overdone it a fraction. No worries he is young strong and has plenty of recovery ability. Already a world record holder in the deadlift he is pushing hard to have his bench and squat catch up (look out when he does)!

Hit a nice rep record on my final set of squats which pushed my working max up nicely for the next months block of training. However I fucked up the number of reps and pulled the trigger 2-3 shy of failure when I should have pushed this set harder. I will make sure I pay for that on deadlifts tonight!

There are still technical form issues I am working on but I feel much stronger out of the hole than at Nationals where I was trying just to keep up with the rest of the team and hit my planned numbers. Whereas now I feel like I am really building a solid raw base.

I can understand now why Chad Wesley Smith prefers the inverted Jugg (10 sets of 5 with minimal rest) than 5x10.  You can really feel the form degrade heavily on the back end of the higher rep sets and while that's normal it probably makes sense for us newbies to get quality reps and not reinforce shit form.

The key for me in the squat is the warm-up. Checking back on my training logs I can see that where a squat session felt ordinary or harder etc then generally this corresponded to me rushing in late from work or rushing to get out i.e not enough warm ups.  So now I make sure squat night is un-rushed with lots of hip activation/stretching and plenty of goblet squats to get everything warm.

Funny I don't have any competition for another 9-10 months but I can already feel the build up to States!

Stay Strong

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Training update - so far so good

I am now in my 3rd week of post Nats training and things are going ok.

This first month has higher working reps lower % and I am keeping rest breaks quite short to up the intensity and conditioning. In fact I must say I enjoy the higher reps and setting the rep records on each last set has felt good.

Probably the best thing about my commitment at the moment is that I am doing the assistance template consistently, abs, upper back, hamstrings and even at this early stage I can feel the difference. Also my diet has been damn clean and again I can notice the difference given I am maintaining the 5 kg cut I made for Nationals. At least I can add the weight back on with quality mass not old man gut fat!

The only initial tweak I will make with the program is to shift squats to Mondays so that I can put front squatting as an assistance day on deadlift on the Friday and have enough recovery time between the two sessions.  I really need to get more mass going and I think squatting twice a week will help that without screwing up my template.

Tonight is squat night and frankly I feel like shit: work has been busy and the little one has been waking up at night leading to the odd interrupted sleep. However as we all know most of this is in my head and frankly the loaded squat bar doesn't give a shit so I really just need to man up!

Stay Strong

Monday, July 8, 2013

Week 2 Bench Session

Kicked off week 2 last night and that called for work sets of 3x10 at 66% on bench with the final set repped out. I followed this with upper back assistance (dumbell rows, and incline dumbell rows). In this template I am being very disciplined in sticking to assistance work that is focused on my weaknesses (upperback, Abs, hamstrings).

I understand there is not too much growth happening at the 66% level of 1RM however the volume and lower intensity is a good kick off prior to the heavy work to come. Time and time more experienced guys tell me nothing happens below 70% 1RM  but the more I read the more horeshit I think that concept is.

I am kicking off a year long program for next years Nats and I need to build up intensity in the first few weeks of a micro cycle and 10's and 8's at just below or around 70% is just what is required to prepare my body but more importantly my mind.

I recently re-read Charlie Francis's (Ben Johnsons coach from the 80's) and never has there been a more interesting work or a more knowledgeable coach discussing recovery and work load. Regardless of the fact it is based around sprinting it talks about the simply truths regarding recovering, managing total load and understanding when to increase intensity etc. Well worth a read.

What's refreshing on this program is I am excited and looking forward to each session. The preparation for GPC Nationals really wore me down so it is great to refresh with a new cycle and look forward to training. The higher reps are a challenge and have also helped with physical preparedness for this next cycle.

Stay Strong

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Which template for powerlifting??

I was following a thread on one of the boards over the weekend where lifters where sharing the templates they were running. I always find these discussions interesting particularly given we have just come off fairly intense prep for back to back States and Nats and many of the team are kicking off new cycles.

Currently I am following a template which is a 16 week progression starting with 10's and working to 3's with plenty of rep records at the back end of each wave. Now it happens to be Chad Wesley Smiths Juggernaut which for all intents and purposes shares most of its DNA with Wendler's 5/3/1.

Now my view is this most forums talk a lot of shit about which routine is the best and fuckers (including me) are always experimenting with different nuances. However here is my newbie wisdom for the week.....


From everything I have ever read there is no one perfect routine that guarantees progress for all lifters at all times. The human condition is far too complex to allow a distillation of training that works for every body type, age, recovery etc.

As I have said it all boils down to principles, how to manage intensity, frequency etc. Therefore it doesn't matter that I have chosen Juggernaught as my template. What's important is that the template I am running is based on sound 'principles' i.e. progression over time, varying of rep ranges as intensity and frequency is managed.

The ONLY proof about the efficacy of your template is whether you made progress. What's that you aren't measuring your progress accurately?? Then fuck off and don't even begin to tell me what works, as the old adage says if you aren't measuring then you cant monitor.  Oh and by the way even then you can't claim that it was exclusively the template, perhaps running a different template would have been better?

At the end of the day its basic principles and a  fuck load of commitment and discipline to diet and training not the name of your program.

Keep is simple...

Stay Strong

Week 1 Juggernaught training

So 1 week of training down for States 2014.  States 2014....yes I am deliberately linking every session and every rep with my goal comps for next year. I am that serious about improving my total to something respectable. So every session now is one more nail the builds the foundation of an improved total.

I have been working in with Daz last week as we are running a similar template and its always good, even at this early stage sharing the pain and watch each others form etc. Now Daz brings a fair bit to the table as a training partner though he caught me off guard with a new look during deadlifts the other night. Yes that's his size 10's in a pair of Ugg boots, thankfully they were on for 2 warm up sets only while he retrieved his regular training kit.

Now while you are looking at that pic, check out the signage, yes that's right PTC Perth! If you are in Perth and not a member then you should be particularly since its expanding to a 24hr swipe card facility.

Stay Strong

Friday, July 5, 2013

You live vicariously through others in Powerlifting

One of my favourite things about this sport is the camaraderie, the way others support you in training and particularly on the platform. If you don't lift you really have to experience it to understand how much it helps your lifting. Even more interestingly how easy you can get lost in the moment watching a teammate or even competitor battle the iron. How easy it is to end up screaming your lungs out, willing them to lock it out!

There were numerous examples of this from the GPC Nationals but one particular photo encapsulates this support. It occurred when Odell Manuell pulled his record 400kg deadlift. While this lift brought the house down the photo below illustrates my point.

I love the shot of Scott Wasson on the right (shirtless)  from Brisbane absolutely screaming his guts out. The look on his face goes beyond the fact that he is witnessing an all-time Australia record. From his expression you would think that he was setting the record.

Now that's the shit I love, fellow lifters ecstatic about another lifters achievements!!

Damn special sport this..

Stay Strong

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Week 1 Deadlift day

It's lunch time but all I am hungry for is deadlifts tonight. It's my first deadlift session of this template and I can't wait to get back into it.

I am still a little sore from squat day, more accurately I think I am sore from the Glute Ham Raises I introduced as assistance. I find these to be a real bitch to set up but working with Daz on Monday I think I have the cues right. It's counter-intuitive to get the positioning right and I find it challenging to keep it a hamstring glute movement as opposed to breaking form in the last part of the movement and have to much lower back involvement.

Regardless I am so damn weak in the hammies I need assistance with a purple band just to get 3 sets out. Nevertheless I am starting off on the right track having GHR's and ab work as a regular part of the routine rather than an afterthought.

Reviewing my video's from Nat's it's obvious I have poor hamstring strength and need a much stronger lower back. The GHR's will benefit me as I need to focus on driving the hips through as my hip hinge looks pretty poor, even on my best lifts.

Further into this routine I will add in deficit deadlifts, in fact I toyed running this whole first cycle with a 1-2 inch deficit and get that good carryover when I switch back. However I have decided to keep it simple to start with.

Re PTCPerth the gym will be moving towards 24 hr access which makes sense given the lads have fulltime jobs as well as running the gym. While I will still seek to train big sessions with my teammates around it will give great flexibility to juggle session times with work etc so looking forward to the change.

Stay Strong

GPC 2014 - whats the goal for Thomo?

Today's just a brief post to put myself on record for my 2014 goals.  In 2013 I  entered my first and second competition. Despite many hiccups and setbacks I actually I achieved all that I had planned. I got my ass out on the platform twice (States  and Nationals), posted a total I am proud of and set the Masters 1 75 kg national GPC record s hopefully many much better lifters join me and bring more older lifters to GPC.

 More importantly I got to mingle and watch some of the best Australian lifters at National and received some fantastic coaching.

Realistically my total is in its infancy, but I am on my way and while I sit at a modest total I am more than happy taking my total from 400 at States to 430 at Nats 6 weeks later.

This leads me to putting my proverbial on the block for next season. Therefore the next years aspirations are:

  • gain 5kg of solid mass and drop the equivalent of fat
  • compete at States and Nationals only
  • Target Improvement: bench +15kg, Squat + 20kg, Deadlift + 25kg for 490 total
  • Stretch Target: Bench + 20, Squat 25kg, Deadlift + 30 kg for 505 total
Now while they seem like big jumps I am still very raw as a lifter so still should still have a few beginners big jumps left in this next cycle.

I really want to crack 500 at 75 and my long term goal is to crack the 3x bodyweight on the deadlift

The keys for success for me is to stay disciplined and diet and stick to my template in base building and to gain a solid base of mass and conditioning for several months before heading back into the 85-95 1RM range. Also as I learned from Nationals and states my core, hammies and upper back need a lot of work to stabilise me better on the big lifts so these will be hit hard often in my assistance work.

I am really stoked to be competing and looking forward to working hard and getting up the GPC gradings.

On a final note the the photo encapsulates the coming season for me. In 12 months there is a GPC stage in the Gold Coast waiting for me, demanding that I turn up with a better stronger version of myself, thats the challenge, thats what I am training for. 

Stay Strong

Monday, July 1, 2013

Powerlifting progress - check out experienced lifters progress

As a late starter in this sport at 43 I am trying to make up for lost time, stay focused on progressing at a decent pace and remain injury free. Hell I want to be going strong like gentleman Jim Ambrose in his sixties!

I understand that it is important to run your own race in powerlifting. Given no one has your genetics or unique circumstances it is folly to try and measure your progress too much against peers other than for a general sense check. However what is useful and something I have found quite beneficial is to check out the training logs of some of the PTC crew to understand their progress over the last few years.

For example Dan Rucci has a great looking squat and with a 575 total, he will likely be banging through the 600 mark in no time as he moves into the 90's. Now Dan has a better structure than me and is heavier but watching some videos from a couple of years ago it was heartening to see that his squats in comp were at the 150 mark similar to mine.

Similarly watching big Scott Wasson from 2011 hit a double body weight squat (170 @81) is a nice reference point for my training given I am currently hitting 160@71.9. Now Scott is a seriously good lifter and it was great to watch his intensity at Nats. However I would be silly to think that my progression or total will follow Scott's, over 700kg now, check out his great deady from Nats.

However what is valuable is seeing the progression that is available if you dedicate yourself as Scott has over the last 2 years. So if you are a new lifter or stuck in a rut check out how the stronger PTC lifters have progressed and emulate that consistency and dedication.

Stay Strong

First training session chasing 2014 Nationals

What is that they say about the journey of a 1000 miles....well last night was the first step to my 500+ total for next year.

I am running a fairly simple template based around Chad Wesley Smiths Juggernaught. I have chosen this because it's simple, there are ready made templates to calculate everything and it is based initially on rep maxes. I like this idea to keep me out of the low rep hammering I have taken in the run up to States and Nationals. In Perth States was only 6 weeks prior to Nationals so given they were my first and second comp ever it felt like I was in a constant peak for the last 12 weeks.

Regarding templates It doesn't matter what I run as a newbie, as long as it's based on sound principles managing intensity, volume and frequency. However the key for me is not to go too hard too early. I have a habit of programming high and then crashing out early. Not this season...I am going to be judicious in how I build my programming for the year pushing lots of base building volume in the 65-80%.

While I am happy with my results I need a shit load of mass on my frame to be more competitive with the other lightweight masters lifters. I have also made a commitment to consistency across all of my training modalities. So this year I am not going to compromise on food, sleep etc. As a consultant previously I had periods traveling away or up to site for 4 out of 5 days a week which tended to create havoc both with food choice and finding decent gyms. Now I am Perth based so while my hours are just as long at least I can at least stick to more of a routine.

The gym had a nice vibe last night with regulars in including most of the Nationals team. Watching the team kick off for their next program is always interesting with a number of different approaches. Darwin was squatting and is focused on bringing up his bench and Squat (already decent lifts!) to match his world record deadlift. Dan looked like he was still in competition mode bringing the intensity to a set of 5x5 squats and Paul Rucci was banging out front squats with perfect form!

Everyone seemed to be still buzzing after the Novice comp the day before, though talking to big Mike he managed to pull a sizeable chunk out of his hand when spotting a lifter on the mono. Not too worry he is a big strong unit so shouldn't slow him down in the gym!

Stay Strong