How often do you see this argument surface on the forums, blogs or in articles? Pretty much every second day. Though if you take a minute to peruse the various viewpoints most tend to be diametrically opposed. The raw proponents decry the 'indecency' of the equipped set getting so much assistance from the gear. While many equipped lifters suggest there is no true raw given wraps, belt, creatine, roids etc. Where do you draw the line with assistance?
I should probably declare my hand early, though I am new to competitive power-lifting I have no desire to try single or multiply lifting. I can objectively appreciate the insane effort that an equipped lifter is going to, to hone technique and use the gear effectively but for some reason I don't see it as pure and as simple as I want my lifting.
As I have said many a time the many variants of raw are a more simple introduction to this great sport and this is where I think we have the best chance to grow the sport. Regardless it is a personal preference and immune to objective argument, it simply is what it is. I can see equipped as perhaps a variant that a raw lifter should try once he has exhausted his raw potential as it gives him an avenue to again experience his/her total progressing again and opens a different skill path. However just not something I am interested in.
However I did read on Craig Hirota's excellent blog a simple articulate phrasing of the nuances of equipped lifting as follows (check out the post
Geared singly-ply powerlifting is unbelievably difficult and requires a determination and willingness to hurt above and beyond anything that a raw powerlifting routine would ever demand. Multi-ply geared powerlifting pretty much requires one to sell their soul to the Devil. It's that hard.
The squat suit wants to cut off your legs and blow your head up. The bench shirt either wants to dump the bar on your face or belly when it's not trying to break your ribs or cut your arms off from the armpits. The deadlift suit just plain fights you and won't let you get down to the bar and when it does, if you're male, tries to trade a successful lift in return for a lifetime as a eunuch. The lifters that stick with the gear and learn the intricacies of using it effectively are true adrenaline junkies. The fine line between a successful lift with bone snapping weights and a 911 call is slim at the top levels. Each successful lift is like surviving a rush by a rabid grizzly bear.
That's probably the most straight forward articulation of what geared lifting is all about and emphasises the difference in the discipline required (nice work Craig).
I suspect my deeper reticense is more as a businessman. I think would crossfit be as successful if they started with Cross-fit version A and Cross fit version B. Hell no, offer the one product do it well and promote the shit out of it. But as always it appears that powerlifters would rather fragmentation at all costs.
Don't misunderstand I am not saying lets remove geared or raw and have just one, however the Crossfit element allways reminds me of powerlifting's missed opportunity.
That's all for hump day, tomorrow is paused deadlifts and front squats and bench!!
Stay Strong