Saturday, January 19, 2013

More Supplement fun

My favourite numpties at a certain bodybuilding site hyping supplements again and this time they are using another strength athlete as their wingman. Cast your  eyes over this little excerpt....

:This program can't be done to any great effect without using Plazma™ and the dosing protocol designed for the program (that also includes Indigo-3G®). John tried it out on several top bodybuilders — without using Plazma™ — and no one could survive the first week without becoming a crippled, bedridden mess.

So lets break that down basically what they want us to believe is that we just have to buy and use the supplements or the training protocol won't work as it crippled several top bodybuilders???? Is that really the case empirically. In fact the guys typing the copy for these adds must just sit around the office pissing their pants laughing as they type out this stuff.

The article goes on to say....
The Plazma™ Protocol enables you to throw traditional notions about recovery out the window. Simply put, Plazma makes doing the program possible, and the training program wouldn't exist without it.

Honestly I am now at the point that I actually look forward to the next training infomercial to be posted on their site.  Seriously if you want to kill a few hours and laugh at basic human stupidity go the site and follow some of the threads. They are sad testament to the innate desire of people to ignore logic...Caveat Emptor people!

Stay Strong


  1. "It's simply not possible to achieve the enhanced and highly targeted nutrient uptake required for shocking gains and unbreakable recovery without Indigo-3G®."


  2. Your last paragraph summed it up brilliantly. I sort of chuckled at first at the stupidity/naivety but then on reflection, it's just a bit sad.

  3. Hi Jon my issue is not that T-Nation are doing anything different to other supplement purveyors it's simply that potentially what might be an ok protocol gets muddied by some of the over the top hype.
