Saturday, January 5, 2013

Bodybuilding forums make my ears bleed

Having been sick this week I have had occasion to log on to a few more forums than I usually have time for. While this should usually be a positive experience it only takes about 30 mins before my brain begins to revolt against the inane comments that permeate some of the threads (oh by the way not our very own PTC Forum, you should be getting on there and getting all the great coaching!!)

For example I witnessed a whole number of guys with average testosterone scores seeking immediate council regarding their first drug cycle. In fact the proliferation of misinformed drug information just outright concerns me.  Then we have the hurry freaks, you know the guys that want it all 'yesterday' e.g.

Post 1: 'Dude I'm like running Wendler for a month and been making ok gains but should I stay on this routine or is there something better?'

But Plug response: ' Nah man Wendler is too slow, like you should be on DC or, Juggernaught or Conjugate Weider mountain dog, split system hybrid!!'

So my response to butt plug is...too fucking slow compared to what??? Honestly people really need to take there finger out of their arse and apply some old fashioned logic. Every butt head seems to think there is a golden routine that works. There isn't, there are just old fashioned principles that tend to show up in most of the basic routines that work for beginners and intermediates. Obviously once you are advanced then the process changes a little but I figure I could have a dollar for every natural advanced guy on the forums and I'd still only have $5.

The other comment I love is:

' I am running Wendler 5/3/1 but want to train every day and squat 6 times a can I do this'...or some dopey derivative. I have said this many times but might as well hit the magic million...can you all please....

Clearly I am no guru but this isn't hard. To get big and strong work out what diet you need, adopt a routine built around basic heavy compound movements and add in a few supportive assistance exercises. Make sure you sleep get rest and monitor and measure your condition.

See that isn't too hard, the bit that screws with people is that it is a lifetime thing so it takes time, if it doesn't then you have good genetics (lucky you!) if not but you still get there quickly then you are fucking around with roids too early (dipshit!).

There has been nothing magic in the 28 years since I have been watching strength training, for all the roids, supplements and routines there is nothing ground breaking. For mere mortals its the basics that work, when it doesn't it's because you complicate things looking for the holy grail!

Stay Strong

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