Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2013 Powerlifting Principles

With a new year brings the inevitable resolutions and goal setting. Rather than specifics I thought I would share some basic principles that will guide me this year:

  1. Be realistic: so often I hear people planning  to add 50kgs to their bench in the year. Now while 50kg may be  achievable for a beginner or an intermediate it is just plain dumb for the rest
  2. Start easy: linked to number 1 and constantly espoused by Wendler is the concept of starting light. I don't know why so many lifters start each cycle so heavy. When you do invariably you run flat bang into a brick wall less than a month later. I like the Wendler approach of starting light and building up to your max over time
  3. Focus on the important stuff: I think it may have been Dan John that said "you only have 5-7 good sets in each session. Yet time and time again I see guys,  particularly those on full body routines doing wayyyy to much each session. Don't misunderstand me assistance work is required but this stuff should be worked at 60% of 1RM not going to failure and busting your ass
  4. Stop believing everything you hear and read: Sandow built at kick ass physique and was strong as an Ox in the late 1800's and he didn't use the Westside conjugate system, or HIT or a pre-workout powder or any other of the fucking 1000 things that fuck with your mind when you read the next latest and greatest technique that you 'just have to add' to our routine!!!
  5. Eat Right: That means knowing your base calorie requirements and eating to match your current goals and particular cycles. I haven't known many people that can do this well, though Damon Hayhow springs to mind as someone who was brilliant in this regard both personally and for his clients
  6. Remember there are more important things than training: Yes I know its hard to believe but you know finishing that degree, playing with your kids or just earning a living should probably take higher priority. Bottom line is...keep some balance!

Stay Strong

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