Saturday, January 26, 2013

Good Morning...its all about the hip hinge

Busy week this week so blogging is a little behind. Despite the weekend being about rest and recovery I have managed to arrange for the interior of the house to be painted so tomorrow I am packing up the little one and wife and heading to a relatives house for a week to escape the smell of fresh paint. In the meantime its quiet tonight, chilling out with the feet up so I will do my best to catch up on the blogging.

Caught a great article by Alexander Cortez this week on Elitefts. It was a simple exposition on the correct execution of the Good morning. Now that should be pretty straight forward piece but it would have to be the best simplest explanation of the movement that I have read in a long while.

Now if you watch beginners or intermediates at most gyms the variation in execution is pretty frightening. Most tend to perform it as a straight legged bend from the waist. Alexander points out it is simply:

' posterior loaded hip hinge'

Now read that again slowly, its a hip hinge and that's why its a great assistance exercise for the deadlift. I won't repeat the article verbatim but as he correctly points out the movement starts with the hips pushed way back with glutes flaring while lumbar and core is locked. I'ts a really simple movement that adds a lot of posterior work to support your main lifts.

Generally when you Google the exercise there is normally a picture of some numpty with an unloaded bar and back completely perpendicular to the floor while the legs are locked. Forget that shit it is Alexander's article and then go smash these and watch your deadlift thrive.

Stay Strong

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