Saturday, January 26, 2013

I hate when Fuckers sell out!

I noticed recently a couple of prominent lifters touting the benefits of a particular supplement on a certain website that I am sure you can all guess. What really fucks me off about this is that I respect the lifter in question and it really burns me that he has now decided to extol the benefits of this product without much fucking science.

The supplement in question is a standard protein powder with  a few extra's , basically leucine and casein hydrolysate. Now back in the day (early 2000's) I believe it had some pro-hormone ( 4-AD) and pre steroid (A1-E) ingredients. Obviously these are now gone from the products but the hype remains even though it is a basically  a protein supplement with pretty standard ingredients.

Now the bit I mentioned before is that the aforementioned high profile lifter claims it works and works well. Well here is the thing based on fucking what? So you fast and then 'pulse' this fucker and it gives amazing results. Sorry but I call bullshit, given said lifter is basically retired and not shooting for the bad old days and may or may not be supplementing with the gear there are too many variables at play. However there are plenty of the lovely subjective 'this shit is amazing' but little if any..what do they call that stuff...hmmm what was it...ahhh thats right...EVIDENCE.

Soo unless you can do a double blind study from a reputable (not baylor) or any other fucker that supports the supplement industry that shows Mag 10 is this amazing then you can shove that large price for small serving right where the sun don't shine.

Stay Strong


  1. Yes, I saw that article. You have to admire Biodouche's marketing strategy. Classic "whale marketing." Charge ridiculous prices for a good not significantly of greater quality. Get some recognised people to support it and you'll get the sheep running to buy it because it's so expensive.

    1. Thankfully there are some great writers out there such as Alan Aragon who has the graduate qualifications to objectively review each and every element of the supposed Anaconda stack and show it to be the junk that it is. Oh and it sure isn't worth $345 etc per Month.

      Those famous powerlifters should be embarrassed to recommend the T-nation supplements...
