Friday, February 22, 2013

Saturday Training Rules

It's one hour before Saturday training and I am well into my mobility work at home. Funny I have states and nationals this year and shit just feels worse than ever. In November I hit PB's on everything and was feeling on top of the world. Since then every fucking thing aches and rebuilding my squat and deadlift is taking  a while.

After much research and review I think I have found the reason.....I AM GETTING OLD! Turned 43 yesterday and weird thing is I still treat training like I am 22. Seriously when I wake up the day after a deadlift season and it feels like I have been 10 rounds with Mike Tyson I am always surprised how sore I am. But fuck me it hit me yesterday that I am 43 and this shit is harder on my body.

In some ways it must be why I enjoy weekend training so much...I have more time to warm up, train at a good pace and ensure I get a good meal straight after. Even better today is much cooler than the 36+ degree days (Celsius) we have been having of late.

One closing thought. This week I accompanied one of my friends to lovely ole MacDonalds. Given Deadlift session was going to be that night I thought what the hell and joined him for some very bad fast food. What drove me insane (other than the cardboard tasting burgers) was the phenomena I observed in the cue. Everybody seemed to be waiting patiently in the cue sometimes for 2-3 minutes but stuff me everytime they got to the front of the cue..they were rendered speechless and needed 20 seconds to work out their order!! Here is a helpful thought, use the time in the cue to work out what you fucking what numb nuts!!!!

Any how back to the foam rolling and pallof presses...

Stay Strong

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