Monday, February 11, 2013

Dumb shit I see in Gyms

Just another Monday installment of dumb shit I see in gyms:

  1. testing rep maxes blindly.... yes Dazzler I'm talking to you!!
  2. doing mobility or static stretches that reinforce the postural limitations you currently have i.e goblet squatting in the bottom position with a very sick butt wink 
  3. wearing Olympic lifting shoes but not checking first to see if your structure actually requires you to wear them...because squatting with a 1 inch plus wedge heel does change the mechanics and loading dumb ass!
  4. not checking your form with a video replay
  5. not having chins in your program....get your ass on the bar and do a rep fat boy!
Stay Strong


  1. Blind it may be but it went up Amigo

  2. Consider it a lucky break, prudence is always hand in hand with safety
