Sunday, February 10, 2013

Peptides...what is all the shit about!

Unfortunately I have had the misfortune to be listening to the almighty shitstorm that has erupted due to one of our professional football teams having allegedly had athletes taking peptide injections.

Now forgetting the overall issues around drugs in sport I am absolutely gobsmacked by such a fucking beatup that has been in the local media this week. What shits me to tears is the absolute hippocracy of the individuals coming out of the woodwork. On a single day I read three opinion pieces by authors who were shaking there head earnestly condoning the peptide issue but heres the thing about these 3:

  1. the first author was the coach of a disgraced white Australian sprinter who lost his career when he tested positive to roids. It was widely known in the gym they attended (of which I was a member) in the eighties that this coach was the man to see for gear
  2. the second was a local rugby player now trainer who I saw many a time off his tiny at a local pub hitting on every woman who went past
  3. The final piece was by a former professional footballer who is now a commentator and in his playing days (prior to the drug testing) used to like a fair old snort of white powder up his nose for recreation purposes
So there we are all of these grade A shitwits coming out of the wood work with there questionable ethics commenting on substances they have no idea about.

So lets do a quick summary of peptides gleaned from pub med and a few of my favourite researchers:
  • the peptides in question aim to target Growth Hormone (GH)
  • they focus on a signal to release GH (GHRP) and regulate to release a large amount when a pulse is detected (GHRH)
  • the evidence suggest that GHRH does nothing and GHRP does something, but not much
  • As a good coach of mine indicated the peptides stimulates Ghrelin the opposite of the anti-obesity hormone leptin
  •  Ghrelin stimulates, cortisol, decreases insulin sensitivity and an increase in appetite so 1 out of 3 isn't bad lol
Now here is the thing to be 'effective' requires 5-10 injections a day (based on review of literature available) and the overall effect on GH is questionable  Interestingly those who generally source peptides won't have much of an idea of there baseline GH value because most trainers don't take the time to get the bloodwork done. 

Bottom line everyone settle the fuck down, as a supplement peptides do sweet fuck all generally and for every bodybuilder that reckons they gained a fuck load on them I will show you a guy who didnt measure his body composition before and is just fucking guessing!

Stay Strong


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