Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Love Deadlifting!

Deadlifting tonight at PTC Perth...god I love deadlifting. As I mentioned previously given recent injuries I have tweaked my Wendler 5/3/1 as I rebuild my squat and deadlift.

At the moment I am running Wendler's fullbody routine 3 days a week. This is working well for me as it provides high frequency squatting to help me groove the lift. I have also amended the deadlift to run a 5x5 once again to keep the volume higher and get more reps in. I envisage pushing the 5x5 to 75% to 80% 1RM before slipping to 5x3 and then kicking in the normal 5/3/1.

I have been messing with my squat style and recently narrowed my stance, pushing a more traditional Olympic style. This has seen my adductor pain disappear so for the moment I am going to stay a little high bar and build the reps.

I am keeping assistance work simple and have been trialling Paul Carter's 350 just to mix things up. Basically this involves 3 sets to achieve 50 reps. So for example my bench press assistance resulted in 20 reps for the first set 20 for the second and 10 for the last. Doesn't matter what the split of reps is the goal is 50 for the 3 sets and only 2 mins between sets.Where this has been beneficial is it forces me into hypertrophy rep ranges for assistance and to be honest the extra reps and pump actually feel a good counter point to the low range Wendler work.

One thing I continue to be pedantic about is videoing works sets to ensure the movement pattern is spot on. Today for example I noticed I was leading with the hips a little on the first movement in the deadlift. Based on that I made some quick adjustments and the rest of the sets were tight.

Overall a good session tonight, quiet low key and quality sessions..perfect night at PTC Perth.

Stay Strong

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