Friday, August 2, 2013

Week 5 on Juggernaught

Squats on Wednesday night felt bloody heavy. It felt heavy under the squat bar, it felt heavy when I was resting, it feels heavy now when I think about it! But I still managed a 2 rep PB on my final set so as hard as it felt the numbers are still going up.

In some ways that session to me is the epitome of average guy training. We all read the articles demanding you get great sleep to maximise gains etc but sometimes life just gets in the way. You get a shitty nights sleep, work is crazy and you may be late or short on the odd meal. Despite this you get your ass in the gym and hit the iron, man up and hit your numbers. That for me is training: consistency in the face of many daily shitstorms you still commit to training.

I am still sore and the lower back is feeling a little funny so I am going to push training to tomorrow and get a good deadlift session in on the weekend. The extra day recovery will work wonders and I am already desperate to get into it so I expect a great session tomorrow.

Stay Strong

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