Saturday, August 17, 2013

Friday nights alright for..Deadlifting

Saturday morning brings exquisite  post deadlift soreness, though thinking about it, it is most likely second day soreness from squatting on Wednesday. Regardless I had a bloody good session last night hitting another rep record at 70% 1RM.

On this template I am being very consistent in pushing through the sets to keep my work rate high. Consequently I charged through my six sets of five on deadlift and I'm getting out of the gym on time far more often.

As I have said before the longer build up on Juggernaut feels really good. I haven't missed a planned rep yet and the high volume, higher reps and faster work rate have made a real difference to my training.

Felt quite busy at PTC Perth last night with a few of the guys running their templates for Wild West and if rumours are correct at least a few of the guys have been invited to ProRaw.

Well the rest of the day brings the normal routine of chasing my two year old around which is surprisingly good active recovery.

Looking forward to bench on Monday!

Stay Strong

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