Sunday, August 18, 2013

RIP Christopher Lane

Power-lifting requires a level of self absorption to achieve great results. Inherent in the sport is a commitment to discipline across several elements, training, recovery, diet, GPP etc. More than many sports this can drive a level of focus that sometimes elevates training above other aspects of an individuals life. However this single minded focus can sometimes lead to a lack of clarity.

This morning was just another morning for me. I moved quietly through the house, kissed my sleeping family goodbye and drove to work. As I passed through darkened streets at 5:00 am I was lost in thoughts of the day ahead, trading conditions that are tough, client calls to make: a million different thoughts as I began to order my days activities. Then I heard the news that a young Australian baseballer, Christopher Lane, in the US on scholarship was shot dead in a random attack by three teenage lowlifes.

It's sobering and sad that someone else's misfortune provides such a jolt of clarity. I won't dignify the refuse of society that did this by dwelling on them. I am hoping that at some point soon these teenagers will find true torment and terror themselves behind bars.

The focus should be on Christopher Lane and his loved ones. At this moment a loving family is grieving the loss of a son, a girlfriend mourning the loss of a soul mate, a future extinguished randomly.

At these moments, what template you run doesn't matter, what PR you will hit at the next Nationals is insignificant. It can all be extinguished in an instant.

I like to think that what defines us is our empathy, the connection we can have as a society during moments of  sadness and tragedy.

So on this Monday stop for a second, think of Christopher Lane, celebrate  his short but meaningful life. Then go about your business, hopefully wiser remembering that this time is all we get and it can be taken from us so quickly and randomly.

Rest in Peace Christopher Lane....

Stay Strong

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