Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Juggernaugt 5's week- About damn time

Last week I said goodbye to 8 rep sets and gladly welcomed 5's this week. Bench is done and dusted and tonight is squat night.

Actually I am really looking forward to squats now that I am more consistent with foot spacing on the back of last weeks great rep out numbers. Though I have to keep cuing myself to keep the knees out so that I get a nice deep squat and feel a much more solid base to hip drive from.

The real key for me to have a good session is to warm up well. I find at 43 and after a long day at work it can take at least 40 mins to get the hips sufficiently warm to get into the squats. Therefore on squat day I know I have to be out of work on time and in the gym early to get into the groove.

It will be good to see how the numbers go for 6 sets of  5.

Everyone have a great hump day (Wednesday duh!).

Stay Strong

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