Monday, August 5, 2013

Best Powerlifting Quote of the Week

 It is often said powerlifting is a competition with yourself. There can really only be one strongest guy at a meet. Even factoring bodyweight classes the list is still pretty small and yet the rest of us turn up at the meet and chase ourselves to that next damn PB!

I read a quote by Scott Yard as he described the final pull of his USAPL Raw Nationals  as he was trying to lock in third place. Now ultimately he got beaten back to 4th by a subsequent lift but when he got that pull he was stoked. However his best move was this gem of a quote.....

'You do something that matters to no one but your self. Its silly, and meaningless, but for a short moment it defines everything you want to be."

That quote encapsulates powerlifting competition for most of us. At Nationals I went out for my final pull aiming for a 10kg PB deadlift that would deliver me a 30kg PB total overall and also give me a new Masters 1 National record.

Now by know means was that total a world beater, in fact probably half the competitors warm up with those lifts. Hell I want to put 70kg's on that total myself by next year but standing on that platform in front of a world class referee, spectators and my team it felt damn worthwhile.

Now that quote is the essence of this sport for all but the very best of lifters!

Stay Strong


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