Monday, August 26, 2013

Want to get fit - Lets Roll in the Mud!

So when did running around in the mud become a legitimate fitness activity?

Sometimes I just scratch my shaved head and wonder what the fuck is going on here. In fact I am damn sure that at some point a starship is going to descend from the heavens and return me to the mother ship. Then I will be sitting there thinking 'ahhh that's why none of it made any sense..I'm  not one of these dopey fuckers'.

A couple of people I know are going in one of these colloquially named 'tough mudda' events. So they are madly running around at the gym cardioing the shit out of themselves preparing for this. Now my issue is not the event itself I mean if you want to run around in these, then hey whatever floats your boat. My issue is that these things like Zumba, like cross-fit become a verb that ends up being just another fad. Don't believe me, well how is the old Tai bo doing these days???

As one wise scribe pointed out this is one thing that we will look back on in 20 years and say how dumb but it persists in the short term because:

' There's a lot of money to be made making those who live in the safe confines of suburbia or cozy apartments feel dangerous in a well-controlled environment.'

I even had an ex military guy at an old client  ask me why I didn't want to step up and have a crack as it would be a great challenge. Well probably for the same reason that I don't shit my pants anymore, I grew the up.

Challenge, hmm well at some point in the next 18 months I am going to standard on a platform at a National Championship and squat down with 3x bodweight on my back in front of a panel of international judges. On that day I will achieve 9 perfect lifts and hopefully take a National record (got one already actually). That day will not be a one off event it will be the culmination of countless hours of discipline with diet and thousands of reps under the watchful eyes of teammates and coaches.

The sport is powerlifting and its been going for 40+ years and therefore ahh no I don't consider your mutual masturbation in the mud as something I really am keen on.

Yes maybe Thomo is a little grizzly today and my tongue is firmly planted in my cheek. After all its Tuesday and I haven't trained since Friday. But I truly believe these events and the almost overnight cult that springs up is another example of the short attention span of this current generation. Always seeking the next new thing whether it be an artist, club or dumb fitness event.

If you want to really feel like a bad ass then take off your dumb bandana take a shower and go fucking climb a mountain or any one of the real outdoor pursuits that require more than just a cursory weekend commitment.

Stay Strong

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