Saturday, March 23, 2013

Post Bench Bliss

Yup I love Saturday training. Quiet in the gym, only Dan, Ninja K, Ando and Matt. With with the music low, sun streaming in and the deliberate clang of steel against steel it was just about close to perfect.
I benched in the rack today and hit 5x5 for 82%of 1RM so things are on track. Bar speed was a little slow but I stayed in the hole and pushed through on a couple of tough reps so overall very pleased.

I interspersed bench with 10kg hanging of my belt as I banged out 8 sets of chins, wrapping up with 3 good sets of pendlay rows.

Dan was coaching 3 newbies, casual members trying out PTC in their first session. Seemed like a good bunch of guys though you can really new guys given they a) all wore thick spongy trainers, b) walked squats backwards into the rack and c) wrapped a towel about 4 thousands timesaround the squat bar.

Actually Dan had the retort of the week when one of them asked why they couldn't wrap a towel around the bar.."because you are men"...end of story!!

They appear to be a good bunch that are keen to get better so hopefully 1 or more join fulltime. Though I was treated to the sight of one of them wearing gloves..things that make you go hmmmm!!! Dan, seemingly on a roll with the one liners asked him if he was a 'hand model'!

Next step squat day on Monday....

Stay Strong


  1. Hahaha, apparently those were my guys from the football team - the 'hand model' is actually a superstar athlete, sounds like he needs some technique work in the gym though.

  2. Agree spencer the 'hand model' looked like a naturally strong buck. His squats and deads looked very very strong. Hopefully the join the crew!
