Saturday, August 4, 2012

Random Thoughts Sunday!

Sunday morning and PTC Perth Bench Comp today! Unfortunately I have work so won't be able to make it, pretty annoying really as I was going to help side judge but regardless the boys will put on a great show.  Should be a good turnout, 20 lifters and plenty of spectators and at least 1 lifter opening at 180kg+ (sounds like my total!).

The Gym has been pumping this week. Lots of energy in the gym, seriously if you want to blow past your previous limits come down and see the boys Dan, Paul or Aaron. There is nothing better then getting up for a lift and finding 4-5 guys are all watching, encouraging and can't help but get better. Saw big Josh pulling what looked like 5 plates nicely from the blocks on Friday.

Training has been good this week..well other than damn squat. For some inexplicable reason the groove hasn't been there. After a week of annoyance I finally identified that since I have been messing around with foot placement and bar position I have been way too narrow in my stance. Once I widened it back things are feeling good again, just need to get used to my Romaleos 2 shoes. Have to say though since playing with them for a week, there is nothing quite like the rock solid platform they give you for coming out of the hole. Expect my numbers to start kicking up now.

Anyway need to get into some work but will leave you with my ass kicking favourite video of the week from the Pendlay's crew and Muscle Driver USA. As you know I am getting my pre training kicks watching this crew put up some great Olympic lifts. Check the video out below, Tom push pressing 170kg for a PB set of 5. Forget how good the set looks watch those kgs crash into his traps on each rep!!

Stay Strong

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