Monday, August 20, 2012

Steroids for Strength -- Just Beware the Hypocrisy

I think a reasonable question right now is 'Thomo what the F^&CK  is half naked Robbie Williams doing on the blog'??!? Well I bear with me but I wanted to illustrate to highlight the ridiculous hypocrisy surrounding roids.

Last week, the local paper had a small feature on Robbie Williams. The rationale for the article and pic was that Robbie posted it on his twitter feed to refute a particularly average picture taken by the paperazzi. Interestingly Robbie admits that he is on replacement Test therapy now (legally prescribed). Though Robbie doesn't look huge he is in good shape for a mature guy and clearly much thicker and less wiry than he has been previously, the replacement dose has clearly had some positive effects on his lean tissue. Several pages later there is an article on major league baseballer Melky Cabera who was slapped with a 50 game suspension for testing positive to testosterone. 

So there you go 1 guy needs test for lifestyle and gets to twitter about it..1 guy wants it to make him work better for his profession (and sport) but he gets sanctions??? I just don't get it.

Now lets be clear I am not on the gear (very obvious that I am not lol) also I don't want anyone else on it around me unless they bench 3- 4 plates, squat 4-5 and dead 5-6. Why well why the fuck play with the gear if you haven't reached your genetic potential .

Regardless keep the rules the same for everyone and as I have mentioned before...focus on stopping the crackheads breaking into my house not some professional ball player taking gear to get and extra 20 homers a season.

Stay Strong

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