Friday, August 10, 2012

5 Things I want to like but just can't!

Now lets start by saying I am a tolerant guy...actually I'm not. In fact I have no patience for fools and tend to speak my mind far too often. Notwithstanding this I will give something or someone there dues if it makes sense and is based on logic.However there is some shit that just isn't right. In terms of the fitness industry there are a few things that I desperately want to like. Things that I am sure should be good for the sport but somehow they just get my bullshit detector redlining. These my friends include:

1. T-Nation
Now, I'd like to like this site. Ton's of articles some great writers and lots of videos etc. However there is just this overwhelming thread of horseshit that runs through the site. I am not sure if it is the fact that every article ends up being an advertorial for their latest supplement. Or maybe its the infomercial style flogging of their supplements. Yup its the supplements. They create this ridiculous cult like theme to every item they flog often imbuing the formula with rhetoric and potential results that mirror roids. If you don't believe me read some of their original articles on Indigo and then check out studies on Pubmed regarding the efficacy of said supplement. It's a shame really as some good guys contribute on that site intermittently but not enough to make me check in regularly. 

2. Cross-fit
This definitely should be good, sexed up fitness hype lots of people taking it up!! Anything that gets the average Joe off their ass and into the gym is good....maybe. Now the down side....kipping pulls (what the!!), repping out with olympic lifts and poor form, stupid ass workout names (WOD's), no programming...enough said.

3. Muscle Magazines
 I remember muscle mags were the only source of muscle information. Hell I remember waiting a month to get the latest Olympia results which were 3 months old by the time the magazine came out (yes I remember the days before the internet!!). With the advent of online information can you name me one magazine that is relevant in print?? I think the death knell is here for the print muscle media.

4. Matrix Stacked Racks
There are plenty of adds from equipment manufacturers providing options for matrix racks. These are basically lots of power racks stacked together. Now let there be no equivocation, this stacking system smells of cross fit. I want old school, fuck it racks should be standalone with a platform and nothing else. Yes I know I am being a little harsh but once you stack those racks  it no longer resembles a training environment its just a fucking school playground.

5. Fluro lifting Shoes
Ok lads where did all this fluro lifting shoe shit come it because Bolt is flashing this colour in London!! Now I am aware one of our very own PTC Perth Aaron has Nike Romaleos 2's in said colour however the difference is he makes it look good!! The rest of you...what the fuck is wrong with old school black or white

I do really want to give the above their dues....but it just isn't right!

Stay Strong

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