Monday, February 3, 2014

Rant of the Week...Dudes in Board shorts on stage

I'm 44 this year but still a novice in my competitive powerlifting endeavours, suffice to say I have a bucket load to learn about competition, technique, diet etc. Notwithstanding , I was still watching competitive strength sports when a lot of my teammates were shitting their nappies.

Therefore I think I am qualified to ask...what in the f^&ing hell has happened to our sensibilities that has allowed the birth of  mens physique contests. I mean for fucks sake dudes in boardshorts, hiding their thighs . I mean is this shit just tailor made for the pumping crews that sit in front of the mirrors at most gyms hitting upper body only.

Look I am sure there are some fantastic training athletes out there that try this form of 'competition' but cmon just enter a bodybuilding contest.

I think the emergence of this... actually I am not sure what to call it, is more a reaction to the perilous state of drug infested pro bodybuilding. Ever since the finish of Haney's Olympia reign 20+ years ago drugs have become more pervasive and as such physiques have become more and more unrealistic for the average man. Consequently women's bodybuilding has ebbed and then in the men's area we have given birth to the ridiculous concept of physique and hey presto tanned dudes in boardshorts with average calves and fuck knows what legs.

Interestingly I spotted a local 'physique' competitor in a mates facebook friends list. Deciding to have a laugh I had look at his profile. I was incredulous to see this guy called himself a natural athlete when it's clear he has that much shit pumped into his shiny misshapen shoulders. Adding to his ridiculous visage was a set of chicken legs that could rival mine. In fact the differential between upper and lower body and the fact he placed in the top three at a major contest only served to highlight the absurdity of this class of contest.

People just need to get back to basics and focus on function over form. Strength endures, the pursuit of aesthetics leads to ridiculous anomalies such as physique contests.

Stay Strong


  1. ”I mean is this shit just tailor made for the pumping crews that sit in front of the mirrors at most gyms hitting upper body only.”

    Look who answered his own question.

  2. Yes after I wrote that I realised it was rhetorical :)
