Sunday, February 9, 2014

Correcting Butt Wink in the Squat

I am envious of people with perfect squat form. As someone with shocking butt wink I watch enviously as those with perfect form just sit down then focus on nothing more than exploding out of the hole when squatting.

The challenge for those of us with poor squatting mobility is three-fold. First you need to work through the laborious process of diagnosing the issue, then identify the pre-hab movements that will assist it rectifying the issue. Then finally you have to graft away and slowly regain range of motion. From personal experience I can attest its quite a frustrating process and it is easy to simply not work hard enough.

For the last year I have been trying to eliminate the dreaded butt wink and half the problem for me is not having access to those that can assist. Unfortunately Cressey Performance or Mash Elite aren't around the corner. Consequently it's taken longer than expected to try and work through the issues but recently I sat down and decided to review the issue logically and run a process of elimination.

As I worked my way through the various tests I started to hone in the things that clearly have been impacting my squat. These include:

  • setting up with too much anterior tilt in the mistaken belief I was keeping my back tight. I now keep my pelvis tight and focus on keeping it stacked neutral
  • Shitty ankle mobility namely dorsiflexion
They are my top two and recent daily work with bands has seen a slow but demonstrable improvement. Again the challenge for me was to find the right videos/articles to so I had the right corrective movements to work with.

Coincidentally yesterday I spotted a great article by Quinn Henoch on Juggernaut JTS. It talks in detail of fixing butt-wink and runs through most of the movements I am now using. It's a nice little article and I wish this had been written earlier would have saved me plenty of time.

If you struggle with Butt-wink in the squat take a look at this article:

Stay Strong

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