Thursday, September 19, 2013

Travis Mash unloads on Rippetoe

I just finished reading a post on JTS and frankly a little non nonplussed (here it is if you haven't read it yet )

As a summary Travis has essentially performed a very nice character assassination of everyones favourite punching bag Mark Rippetoe. If Rip isn't fighting with Lyle MacDonald, Pendlay is taking anonymous but pointed swipes at him.

Clearly old Rip has wound Travis Mash up and he really had a few things to say. It's always kind of unseemly when coaches do that online e.g. Lyle Mac Donald versus everyone and Rip against a few. However here are my thoughts:

  1. As a professional coach calling out another well known coach by name on a well respected site without talking to the individual first is far from ideal and diminishes JTS as a professional forum
  2. Alluding in the article to an 'anonymous' Olympic lifting to bolster your claims is again probably less than ideal. Either man up and quote the source (we all know its likely one of two individuals) or better to refrain from using someone to anonymously support your position.
  3. Suggesting someone has to have elite numbers to coach is an analogy that doesn't hold up. Because to be fair if that were the case then every red faced  hypertensioned, water bloated, geared to all fuck roid head shouldn't tell me how to program or recover because roided lifters don't know the first thing about what works programming and recovering naturally?  Can't have it both ways!
  4. Similarly we could all quote bad form if we scoured the internet. I mean nobody at all worries that every MDUSA or Attitude Nation Oly lifters knees collapse inwards big time on their squats?
I frankly don't care if Rip is right.Personally Starting Strength has been  a good resource for me and to be fair its pitched at the new and clueless like me! Regardless I took the advice with a 'grain of salt', discarding what didn't work for my build/leverages and keeping what did. There is no absolutes with form, go to a true raw meet and tell me if those squats all look the same.

In fact scroll half way down Paul Carters post here and tell me if those world class lifters need  to eliminate their hip drive as suggested?

I suspect Travis is spot on with his commentary and clearly he is passionate about great coaching I just think all this shit should be dealt with one to one not on popular training sites. The real loser in this is JTS, typically Chad Wesley Smith moderates very balanced articles but the article in question wasn't in the spirit of the site.

Stay Strong


***post script** good to see within 48 hours Chad pulled the offending article and issued an apology re the tonality in effect suggesting he let us down for letting an article of this nature on his site. Classy response to admit he was wrong and perhaps next time it would be good to see if Travis provides something a little more moderate as I am sure we would benefit from one of his articles.

**** I had a great e-mail from Greg Nuckols , one of Travis's trainers at Mash Elite who wrote a great piece that provided a more articulate take on the whole issue  and provided a great summary of Travis's concerns.  Have a read  ****


  1. Good thoughts. Just read the entire crap storm via Google cache. Not a fan of picking others apart. Would rather float out information and let others make up their own damn mind.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Steve tell us a bit more about your PL experience, training and goals etc?
