Saturday, September 1, 2012

Want Mass and Strength..then Show up!!!

Last week PB deadlift, this week 11 days later another PB deadlift!! Yes training at PTC is going pretty damn well at the moment. I have even managed to address my Squat form issues so in the next couple of weeks that number should be going up substantially. So while I am no risk of shaking up the top 10 on the PTC Perth training board,  I am damn sure that by the end of my Wendler 5/3/1 cycle I will be pushing my deadlift and squat nicely up that list.

It's always useful in the middle of a good training cycle to reflect on success factors. For me its discipline and a focus on measuring and monitoring everything. As a management consultant this is a necessity, as I book long hours (minimum of 70 hours a week) and travel regularly. This necessitates and anal approach to training and truth be known I love the rigor of the lifestyle.

The most important factor is showing up! How often has the work day been too hard or you are feeling a little tired so you skip the workout. Yes I know there are times when you shouldn't push it but more often then not people take the path of least resistance and don't bother to show up or if they do they don't bring their A game. Case in point, Thursday night I had just returned from my Brisbane 3 day trip, long hours different meal plan and long flights. I showed up needing to do my final cycle and PB on the deadlift. Now I could of easily justified taking the night off or switching to something easier but thats not my or PTC Perths way. With Aaron filming and ACDC pumping in the background I pulled a 2 rep PB on the deadlift mostly because manned up and stayed with it!

My old coach Damon Hayhow once mentioned that strength training and bodybuilding sessions should be viewed like a tradesmans day on the job. Your goal is to show up hit the planned rep numbers and then get out minimum fuss maximum focus. Just honest blue collar work, once you add up enough of those days consistently progress follows!

In the next post I will go into more detail in the way I structure my training and lifestyle to accommodate my training goals.  Until then ...

Stay Strong

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