Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Good to Be Back!

It feels strange to be perched over the keyboard tapping away on tonight' post. As I reflect on the last month away I feel like Alice going through the looking glass.

Without going into sordid details its been a shit of a month. I can't quite remember a time that I have been this stressed. Suffice to say the impact on my Nationals prep has been significant. In total I have lost 3 weeks of quality training and eating. With only 4 weeks out it doesn't leave much time to salvage a total I can be happy with.

I seriously considered pulling out of Nationals and as late as 4 days ago I was still undecided. Thankfully I shook of some of the mental funk I have been in and after plenty of soul searching I am committed to getting on the platform. Importantly my team mate Carl is taking the trip and if nothing else I should be there to support my brother. 

Personally I have re-focused and now getting to the platform is going to be a win. As a consequence this week was cathartic and I have managed to string together 3 good sessions and a decent meal plan. Though  with the time missed I had to step back several weeks worth of weight.

So at 44 years of age I am more than ever cognisant that shit happens but it won't beat me and on the 5th of June I will be on a plane going to the Gold Coast. 

Stay Strong



  1. At our age, life definitely has an inconvenient way of getting in the way of training. Good luck with the rest of your meet prep, you'll probably surprise yourself come meet day. That's been my experience when I've had less than ideal pre-meet training schedules.

  2. Thanks Craig yes sometimes you have to just suck it up and get on with it. The bench and deads feel ok and I think I can get PB's despite the issues The squat I am less confident with but will see what the next 3 weeks brings now that I am wrapping and belting up. How is your training progressin

  3. going well at the moment, I'm taking the next year to try to see if I can build some muscle. I'm not strong enough to compete with the top M2's in the 105 wt class so I'm going to see if I can build a bigger foundation. Hopefully, if all goes well and I don't break something (not that safe an assumption at this age, lol) when I'm a new M2 lifter in 2 yrs, I'll be ready to giv'r.

    1. I hear you. I need to do the same in the 75kg class. The top guys just have so much muscle per square inch compared to my skinny ass frame (though the special sauce some are on has an effect lol)
