Sunday, June 23, 2013

Mono Lift versus Walkout

So this post may be a little controversial for the some but it's Monday I feel like shit and want to stir the pot a little.

Again I have the misfortune to read people go suggest that mono-lifts are not 'old shool' and if you aren't walking your squat out then you are somehow less then a man.

Let me be unequivocal, I lift in GPC and they have a monolift. Apart from my 6 week peak, I walk all my squats out in a cage and therefore spend 95% of the year walking squats out. I have no problem with a monolift because last time I looked 300+kgs on some one's back is fucking heavy (raw) regardless of whether they walk it out.

Now guess what as a spectator I frankly don't give two flying fucks whether a super heavyweight walks that sucker out or not. I am paying to see whether he can sit in the hole and push that somaofbitch back to standing. How he gets there is of no damn interest to me. In fact to see someone fucking lose it walking back is a waste of my time.

Also I am a recreational athlete who doesn't get paid to lift so in competition if something fucks up or goes wrong it is very nice to know that attached to that mono-lift are some big ass straps that will in the unlikely event of a fuck up will stop said 100's of kg's from crashing into my pretty little shaved noggin.

Now I suspect that the whole walk out debate is just a 'my cock is bigger than yours' bunch of shit which is the exact sort of statements that fragment this great sport and continues to see the proliferation of more federations.

Lets keep it very simple and I will dumb it down for those that aren't very bright. If you lift in a federation then only compare records and results to the same federation. Don't worry your dumb ass what someone else is doing in a different fed with different rules because it simply doesn't matter and none of us should give two shits.

Oh and if you really don't agree with the assistance of the mono-lift then be consistent across the board, make sure you are driving stick, don't use cruise control, stop using laser guided tools, turn off your fucking air con, don't take creatine, remove your romelaous shoes. Honestly where do you drawn the line you pigmy brained halfwits!!

Here is the thing if we are going to recapture the golden years of this sport then it requires active dialogue and conciliation not divisiveness and hurling shit from twenty paces between feds. This is especially required from the leaders in this sport who promote products to the rest of us. Have a long look at yourselves and think about moving the sport forward.

Stay Strong

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